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Looking for Shaft Collar to Hold Garden Stakes

last month
last modified: last month

I have some very tall garden stakes from Home Depot, probably eight feet tall. I am trying to build them into a circular trellis for various types of vines like Black Eyed Susan Vine to climb. I have the stakes arranged like a teepee and want to find a nice way to bind them at the top. I purchased a bamboo cane holder with six holes into which I inserted six stakes. Unfortunately, the stakes are too narrow and the holder falls down quite a ways on the stakes. I looked for some collars to put under the holder to keep it up high on the stake, but the only collars I find are for industrial applications and they are made of steel. Does anyone know of a plastic collar made of plastic, or is there a decorative clip that would work here?

First photo shows some garden stakes. Second photo shows the cane holder that is supposed to slip over the top and keep the stakes away from each other at the top. Third photo shows what a metal collar looks like.

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