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This gigantic set of windows! TV

last month

Husband absolutely won’t budge on the solid oak blinds we have on these windows. It’s a set of three windows (smaller, big, smaller). Over 22 years ago, we bought those blinds and spent a ton of money, and at the same time, spent a TON on that valance thingy. I’m over this particular valance style. The problem is, the blinds have a metal top and somehow need to be covered. Husband suggested a solid wood box sort of thing to frame in the top of the blinds. I was thinking a double curtain rod with lighter more sheer behind and something pretty over top. He doesn’t like the idea of anything being closed (like a sheer set) when the blinds are like this 99% of the time. Do I just go with one curtain rod and a set of cool curtains? Will it look dumb with the top of those blinds like in the photo? Or, do I choose a different valance shape and get new fabric for that?

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