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Backyard challenge: Sod alternative for a hillside location

last month
last modified: last month

Hello! I've gotten such good advice here and our backyard is such a challenge I thought I'd try again. Here's an overhead view of the space.

We are in Northern CA (North of San Francisco) and this is a north facing sloped yard.

The dirt area has previously been a sod lawn, which looked great for a minute but then the drought / flooding and raccoons made it a big mess.

Now it's just dirt and I want to plant something in the space. Critters are a big issue here so I don't think I want to try sod again. I was thinking of planting fescue or no-mow grass seeds and fencing off the area until it gets established.

We have a little dog who loves to run around back there, and the rest of the yard is pretty wild but I am slowly planting the terraces with things like succulents, native plants, ferns, and grasses that are very happy with the shaded environment.

I welcome your ideas!

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