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How I became a book lover...

last month

My mother is wholly to blame, since she always gave books for my birthdays and Christmases. My father read a lot, but didn't really play a role in my childhood reading - just the example of him sitting with a book was an influence, I suppose!

But my mother always found books for my gifts, to my great delight -- usually a nice big pile of them, which were riches for me. All of Louisa May Alcott (I grew up in the same town as that author), Rosemary Sutcliffe (who influenced my life-long love of England), and many of the Newbery Medal winners (and Caldecott ones as well). Such joy! Often my mother would have to force me to go outside for fresh air and "exercise", and leave reading for later, over my vigorous protests (to no avail).

Often, throughout the years, she would bring me a new book, saying " I think you will like this one!". When she handed me Gone With the Wind,I didn't surface for days. The sole book she thought I would like was a huge disappointment to me - David Copperfield - and I never did finish it. =(

Books in actual concrete form with real pages and covers (none of this digital stuff for me) are my chosen form of addiction. I have many. Too many, really, at this point in my life. But I find it very hard to downsize my books in a sensible manner. I have a plethora of bookcases in every room, altho most have been filled with double rows, and many more books now are neatly piled on tables and under some tables on the floor. I have gone vertical as much as I could within the parameters of my house.

I need a larger house, methinks.

Recently, I forced myself to cull my personal library by donating over 300 books to my local library book sale. Well done! But naturally, I could not resist purchasing some few volumes while attending said sale... It is a sad fact that books still attach themselves to my corporeal being and follow me home. New piles have appeared. That latest culling of my treasures has not made any serious dent in the situation. Hmmmm.

I think I need an intervention....

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