More quilts for Brent's Place
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Three more Sandy Quilts
Comments (11)Superb work, what excellent efforts!! I'd expect anyone would be thrilled to get these. Speaking as an evacuee of H. Sandy who had to come back to live in an apmt house w/ no lights or heat for 3 wks, I can ASSURE YOU the recipients will be delighted. I was fortunate to not lose people or possessions. Many, many folks lost much if not all they had so rest assured, some visible caring & obvious warmth (in both temperature & spirit) will be more than welcome, I'm sure. Thank you for your superb work, obvious kindness & generosity! (PG) Karen Sternberg...See MoreTwo more Rag Quilts finished (pics)
Comments (16)I tried pressing after washing then found out just folding selvage to salvage and kinda pressing with my hands worked just as well. I have noticed that the flannel stretches alot more when washed am thinking thats because I washed the sizing out. Last time I was at my LQS they have some nice Rag quilts and they didn,t wash first they did tell me to use a small stitch around the edge it helps with the raveling. The fabric coming this week is in 5yd pieces I really don,t want to try washing that. I,m learning as I go found out when I start washing the finished quilt I just run it through the rinse cycle twice without drying then run them through a complete cycle a couple of times drying in between I use no soap in the washer. Gillian....See MoreCombining more than 1 piece of batting in quilt
Comments (12)I just abut...and doing a big, hand whip stitch, sew the pieces together...I do it all the time and it's totally unnoticeable. I don't worry about it staying in place....that's one of the things the quilting does...keeps everything where it's suppose to be. I keep a container of left over batting pieces, and I'm always having to haul it out and find a piece the right size. I don't always do it at the beginning of the sandwich making process. As the piece will go on the edge, I often wait till my quilting progresses to the edge, before adding the necessary piece...after quilting a lot of the quilt, the needed size often changes. Plus, I'm doing it all by hand, so don't have the 'taking it out of the machine and having to put it back' problem...See MoreWho's hunkering down and quilting more? What are you making?
Comments (28)My quilt class was supposed to start today, but didn't, of course. We're on Safer at Home, and everything is shut down. I look like a sheepdog. We were away for a month and returned to an empty fridge. Within three days I was ill. Fortunately just pneumonia. Took six days to get the negative Covid results. Now recovered, as is DH, who caught it from me. Two people in Mom's assisted living have died. Fortunately they were in the separate memory care unit. Sixteen more residents and six staff are positive. Yesterday I picked up a quilt the longarmer did while we were away. Will post a photo when I get it bound. Have 100 scrap pinwheel blocks made, likely for a baby quilt. This thing could last ten years and I'd still have stash left!...See MoreRelated Professionals
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