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Grace Rose Farm 2025 Orders & Deliveries

last month
last modified: last month

Celebrating a fabulous new season 2025, Grace Rose Farm will be starting deliveriies soon to us customers. Bouquets are always being delivered and new roses will be coming soon to our gardens.

Lovely to see photos of your GRF delivered garden roses or bouquets in the next coming months?

Nice to see photos to see if healthy and delivered in a timely manner. Love to see pleasantly stated, ,” on time, late, healthy or not?”

Factual updates and photos about her marketing would be appreciated.

Excited to see the list of roses you purchased from GRF?

Were you a member of GRF having first rights to purchasing options?

Did you attend her special events such as the Soiree? How was the food? 😊🥀


I ordered only 1 rose this season from GRF: Purple Queen, grafted. An Interplant spray rose… nice mauve-purple! Now that’s a color I do not yet have!

Purple Queen

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