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Bugs discussion

last month

Bug infestation. Tiny black bugs, winged, and are nowhere in sight when I'm in the kitchen. I've wiped and searched for nest?
So I ordered pizza and sandwiches yesterday and save s the pizza for nightime.
I went to open the box (yes they are vented) and was immediately confused. There were so many of these bugs the size of a pin point, you could barely see the cheese! It actually looked like the pizza surface was moving until I realized it was bugs!! Where do they come from? So I have a nest I'm missing. I'm so grossed out I threw are my refrigerated food away and all my dry goods.
One more thing, they are NOT fruit flies. I had my fair share of experiences with those too. But I put hase the apple thing where u add vinegar, vent and they are gone.
A salad I had made and just put dressing on about 2 months ago, I turned to put the dressing back in fridge and returned to an infested salad. Hundreds. In a matter of a minute? They have to be coming from somewhere. They aren't necessarily by window or sink or drain. And every night at least 1 or 2 fly within my site in my living room.
What are they? I'll try and take a pic, but they are quite camera shy
Size of pinpoints, winged, black, and very unwanted.
Thank you in advace

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