Grace Rose Farm...wherever I go, there you are!
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From the Curator of The Nursery at Grace Rose Farm
Comments (19)There is something about the aura and mystery of many of these roses that have been around much longer than my lifetime and may have originated in faraway places that makes them worth so much more than what a local store or nursery may carry. They are very precious parts of my garden experience. My increasing tiredness makes it difficult for me to get out much now, and being able to receive roses in the mail is a necessity now as much as a luxury. Of course I shouldn't be buying more roses at all, but Zalud House and President de Carnot are following me into my dreams. I want to say that knowing that the people who care for these wonderful roses at this nursery are also being cared for makes me very happy. We're all in this together, and this by no means easy work deserves adequate compensation....See MoreI won 12 rose bushes from Grace Rose Farm. Now what?
Comments (37)Susan, I just read an article about southern Oregon and the cartels Pot growers used to be locals who cared about the water and environment. Then we had to Mexican cartels and the danger level soared. Now, we have Chinese and Baltic country cartels taking over. Basically using slave labor and threatening anyone who tries to leave and following through, these are not nice people. They are everywhere, taking over land and water and these are ruthless greedy cartels Why does it continue? Not nearly enough agents to clear them out and it is like playing Whac a mole. There seems to be no end in sight to the illegal drug trade and trust me, pot is only one of many drugs travelling in to our valley. If I was younger I would move somewhere else but at this age starting all over sounds top daunting....See MoreGrace Rose Farm Order Just Arrived…
Comments (5)@susan9santabarbara, Yes. Returning those huge roses is a chore. Happy to get a refund. I realize these nurseries have policies & customer service isn’t always the best occassionally. Grace R Farm looks like they have many beautiful roses & the owners seem nice. I hope to order new roses from them in the future. I see 4 beauties I love! I’m calling them to seevif ai can buy the ”new roses,” next time....See MoreScam or no? Grace rose farm
Comments (18)It has been a joy receiving unique and rare roses from Grace Rose Farm. As said before, I have seen many happy customers this year on Facebook. Even there are many customers on ”Growing Roses with GRF.” Facebook for this season that have received excellent orders . i have seen their healthy orders. GRF offered me a couple replacement roses, free gifts, such as my free Cinstance bouquet $119, and refunds to me and other customers for last season if products were unsatisfactory. I did receive sevetal roses last season that I loved, also! Last season is over, where she had an issue with her supplier, a law suit, causing her problems that season, which she attempted to remedy with customers She is selling a diffetent product this season 2025. which is very successful I have seen thus far. I have only seen satisfied customers this year so far with this years service. This thread actually was titled about GRF membership. So getting back to the topic. I looked into imembership, but too late for myself as it was ended. for last year subscription. GRF membership: Customers receive 2 free roses, gifts, first pick of new roses for the season, invitations to lovely events at her farm, & maybe more. I need to read it again. I thought the membership could actually almost pay for itself when I read it recently. I see membersat seasons opening bought out many if the new varieties before non-members even saw them for this season. So membership was worth it especially for those who bought first. Many people bought large quantities of roses for their farms and gardens such as 50, 80, 150 roses for this season, already delivered and satisfied customers, shown on facebook. Membership for customers who buy large quantities of roses appears to be helpful to buy first before roses sell-out. Membetship for those who want rare roses before sold out may be helpful, too. Belonging to her membership to attend events and receive discounts/gifts soubds good, too. Grace has a marketing degree and a fkorist farming background before she started to sell rose bushes. Therefore she has a more interesting type of business to offer a certain targeted audience. She offers more savy-updated and artistically colorful marketing similar to more of the savy businesses. Not your usual nursery. Belonging to her membership, joining her Facebook is belonging to a social club with events. She has Live Streams on her social Facebook to educate and answer questions and simply socialize. Many like belonging to her social media rose community. Shecalso has I stagram which is fun! Lots of live videos! She now has given many roses and bouquets to her social media customers and those that volunteer to help her business and customers. This year I conversed with her regarding education of customers and a few other ideas and I received responses within one day and I saw her positive responses and her instantly addressing and implementing great ideas as a result ! Excellent customer service for me this year. During this season there were restocks and sales opportunities for customers and I received great value discounts on rare roses I ordered!! What I do find i interesting is that she has tapped a market for being one the first entrepreneurs to “sell rare florist, wedding and Japanese roses, and bouquets and start a social club all within her business., with beautiful marketing!” I saw photos of her Soiree Event at her home and beautiful gardens!! If I lived in CA I would have gone! Simply lovely. It is an idealic CA event! I enjoy seeing her artistic business explore new ways to satisfy customers and I have enjoyed being her customer. My Fee Gift Constance Bouquet GEF gace out a lot if free bouquets to customers whose orders were delayed from 2022-2023 spring. I choose the free bouquet Constance and then waited u til spribg to receive my roses. What company is that generous to satisfy their customers? This season 2025 seems to be a good season for GRF with many many happy customers....See MoreRelated Professionals
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Moses, Pitt PA, cold W & hot-humid S, z5Original Author