So much stuff….
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And so it begins....
Comments (12)Can you save that outside door with the double arches?? I would kill for something like that left behind here. I did find the old kitchen door and put it back. Your view wins over mine without question. the interstate went through this farm in 1970. Right through it. At an angle no less. That's when my house almost got bulldozed. Whew! The copula would make a great patio focal point even with the bullet holes in it. Wish it was mine. I was able to get a professional photo of this farm from 1954 from the daughter of a previous owner and 5 professional aerial photos from 1975-1996 that I found on a web site. I wish the other owners who have told me they have photos would get them out! They're all gonna die and I still won't have the pictures! How can I impress that on them? Gimme your stuff before you die. I was just at eBay looking at kitchen cabinets, trying to date mine. No success but found a bunch I wish I would have found 5 years ago. My kitchen would be unfitted. The price is certainly more user friendly than the cabinets i bought! Go look at the one I linked. You need that one. The lady who owned my house the last 30 years stopped at my invitation to see what I'd done. Not too sure she approved. she told me her husband had made those new cupboard doors (in the '80's). I showed her that I had recycled them into bathroom shelving. Another sore point. A remuddler owned this house for nearly 2 years before I got it - would you believe I should have bought it then but it was too much money so I paid a whole LOT more for it 2 years later. He had torn out most of the bathroom which I then tore out. At least he got the blame for ripping out the Formica wall surround and bath tub. She did like the kitchen cabinet style though. She had been here once before when I had the new carpet put in. That's something they would have done but she didn't want to move all the furniture! If my choice would have been moving furniture or keeping green shag carpet......... When you get done building, let me know and I'll help you backtrack your farm. You would be shocked at what you can find out on line about the people who lived there. - As long as they're dead! Fair warning: you will never get done finding out stuff. Now it seems like my computer knows what I'm looking for and I get really good returns. Even my work computer is getting better;-) One of these days I'll be called into the office, I bet. But seriously, you can find out stuff from before your family got it. You need your abstract even though some transactions will be missing and a friendly abstract company who will be willing to waste some time with you. Then you need unlimited time at your courthouse. Take something baked when you go. I'll try to come back and see what's happening but leaving here was a good thing. I'm doing so much more than I was - sitting here every night and weekend reading about other people's kitchens. I'm actually playing in mine with a big smile on my face. Doing the house history. Gardening/canning/making jelly! Reorganizing my sewing room today anticipating winter. Trying to figure out how I can retire so I have enough time for the stuff I want to do and yet still pay for winter heat. Here is a link that might be useful: kitchen cupboard...See MoreKid's Stuff!!
Comments (8)I thought I was the only one bribing the kids not to have a party. I've offered $50 each. So far, the boys are waffling. I may have to up to $75 each. It's still cheaper than going through with a party and I don't have to stop progress on what I'm doing. Pre-K and Kindergarten are the two hardest years to get through in terms of keepsakes. I have a 3-Ring binder for each child and stuff gets put in there. I'm also keeping a box for the bigger items and writing names and dates on the back. I keep this upstairs which for right now is just a dumping room. I'm slowing working my way up there to get organized. I figure I can keep the boxes for a couple of years and then get more perspective on what I want to cull. I have plenty of space in my house so no immediate decisions have to be made. The downstairs is our main living area. Keeping extras is not impacting us for right now....See MoreUnderlying disfunction and organizing challenges - but making pro
Comments (28)Elizabeth, Could you just rent a local hotel room for your parents for the length of the stay? My mom started doing that when she moved into her townhouse. She said too many old bladders competing for the bathroom at night wasn't fun. She also added that the visits really went better because everyone would have time for themselves and their normal rountines, even in a hotel room. Maybe a dinner at your home for a few hours, some time to look at the holiday lights and then to the hotel. Maybe you could even contain the kitties while your mom is in the house and present the idea as one so she won't have so many allergy problems while visiting. My own mom has never come into my house started doing anything, but my MIL was a pretty poor houseguest. I would get in a load of groceries and she would have to go buy what she wanted. She was always doing the laundry, which I hated. She and her sister would literally take over my kitchen. We ended up having to establish some rules. I cooked for the first 24 hours to prove I was the alpha female in the house. Then I just ignored them because it was worth the fight. The biggest problem was they just really didn't know what to do with themselves if they weren't cooking or cleaning. I know they would have been major PO'd if I had come in and taken over their kitchen. Gloria...See MoreStreamlined versus Cozy
Comments (20)Cat Mom, Yeah, all those little jobs end up being a lot of work and money, don't they? Over what period of time have you done all of that? I have to rein in my impatience and desire to get everything done NOW. Last year we replaced our aging furnace before it started giving us problems. This year we put in new floors on the main level of our home, as well as replacing all the baseboards and painting all walls. I'm hoping to give attention to the kitchen next year. Unfortunately, other than needing to replace most of our appliances (all over 20 years old), it will be a mostly cosmetic update, as we will not be getting new cabinets or making any structural changes. I am hoping to replace our countertop, sink, and backsplash. We replaced the faucet this year, so we will reuse it. However, we also think that we should replace our roof next year, as it is aging and we want to do so BEFORE we have problems. It's hard to wait for updates to the house when I'm already planning and even gathering some of the small ticket items when I find them on sale and can't wait to make the changes. On the other hand, I value following our budget and not going into debt over getting things quickly. When I know we haven't exceeded the budget and have saved ahead for what we are doing, I can actually enjoy the changes when they are made instead of worrying about the cost. Julie, YES! You do understand. In fact, when I read your post I realized that you were mentioning things that I hadn't even connected to my more streamlined (i.e., paring down on possessions everywhere). In fact, lately when someone mentions that they REALLY like a piece of jewelry I'm wearing, I've often taken it off and given it to them right then. (I'm not talking about someone casually complimenting something.) I have more than enough jewelry, so if I can give it to a friend and have it wornmore often, so much the better. Tinan, I certainly don't count books as clutter, either (unless, of course, they are permanently piled on the floor around the room). I consider books necessities. I have pared down my collection of cookbooks, but I still have plenty. The rest were donated to our county library system so that, if I suddenly remember I gave away a book wtih a favorite recipe that I hadn't made a copy of, I can just borrow it from the library. I also agree that your home looks quite cozy and very welcoming. Lavender, I agree that I don't want too sterile of an environment. All main living areas, as well as all bedrooms, have at least one throw to wrap up in. In fact, that's one thing I'm missing in my living room right now and I'm planning to either find one I already have or go get another to use in there. I also like pillows. I have to admit that I choose pictures to go with the decor, rather than fine art. I appreciate fine art in museums, but I find that I like to concentrate on making all elements in the room, including the pictures, cohesive---not matchy-matchy, but each item contributing to the overall look I'm envisioning. Now I'm just trying to do that with less stuff than I've used in the past. I'm beginning to relax and feel that it's coming together and won't look too sterile, as I add the finishing touches (especially after seeing the photos people have shared here). I am still in the process of deciding what artwork will go on the walls in my living room. After painting the walls recently, I'm wanting to put less stuff up this time, both in terms of reducing the visual clutter and making fewer holes in the wall. Lauren, Thanks for the support and reassurance. I appreciate hearing from someone who hasn't put a rug over their hardwood and finds that it works well, without sacrificing comfort. I am also coming to realize that I don't have a contemporary home, nor do I have a traditional home---but I do have elements of both. I don't have anything really ornate, but some of the furniture legs have a more traditional shape. My upholsered furniture has a bit softer edge than I see in most contemporary homes, a few curves, but still mostly clean lines. I find that I'm enjoying just that little extra room to navigate through a room, by not feeling I have to fill every nook and cranny of each room. Glad to hear there are others who feel the same way....See MoreRelated Professionals
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