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December week 3

last month

Looks like we are all too busy to talk garden. I brought in radishes, lettuce, and a few green onions yesterday. My tomatoes brought in over a month ago are down to less than a dozen, golf ball size and getting kinda mealy - but I am thankful and impressed to have that much still in late December. Our pastures still have some green grass in spots. My husband had another health scare and we sold about 1/2 the herd, all calves or young heifers. Got them down to a more manageable size in case some days I have to chore by myself when he is having a bad day,some days we both go but i do most of the walking and lifting. Hope this gets posted, my posts are like Jennifer’s - Houzz deletes me. Gophers are taking over, think I will order a couple more traps. Larry, hope you are feeling better.

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