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Allergy Friendly Holiday Recipes

last month
last modified: last month

Hi all,

I'm recovering from surgery on my leg (due to my fall in Sicily), and I'm doing fine, but for some reason, my concentration is flagging and I'm struggling with something I usually enjoy -holiday menu planning. I need to come up with some dishes to accommodate allergies of our houseguests. This is just our immediate family (plus DS's gf), so it'll be casual and fun, and I'll have plenty of help prepping and cooking.

Not every dish needs to address all allergies (I can easily have two dishes for breakfast, for example). I'd be so grateful if anyone has tried-and-true dishes they would like to share. These will be houseguests, so I will need breakfast, lunch, and dinner, a birthday cake, appetizers, snacks, and other desserts.

Allergies: nuts, gluten, dairy, eggs, and two people don't eat meat (but four do).


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