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How to Remove Honey Stain and Lubricant Stain From Bedsheet?

last month
last modified: last month

I had a little manuka honey stain on my bedsheet. I then took a paper towel and water and scrubbed it and it seemed like the manuka honey stain was still there but not sure. It looked like a regular water stain on a bedsheet like imagine you take some water and flicker it on the bedsheet. It then dried out after a while. This was more than a week ago. I didn't want to go to the laundromat and wash it and dry it with the usual detergent FOCA powder detergent that I use for laundry as I thought doing that and drying it in a dryer might set the stain in? Few days ago, I had some lube... lubricant spill on the bedsheet. It is called shibari lubricant. I then took a paper towel and water and scrubbed it. The lubricant didn't seem to show a visible stain though.

I am going to do laundry soon at the public laundromat and want to know what should I do here first? I read you could use dish soap like dawn or oxiclean but first you need to pretreat it first in a bucket ? Is that necessary? I don't have a bucket in the apartment. Could I just do everything at the public laundromat? The bedsheet is cotton.

At the moment, it doesn't appear like there is any manuka honey stain anymore in the bedsheet. Did me scrubbing it with water and a paper towel over a week ago maybe got rid of it or it's still there most likely? If I take a picture of the bedsheet, it is hard to tell if there is still a stain or manuka honey residue. The honey was in a small area in the bedsheet. Could I scrub the area with dish soap and water while I leave the bedsheet on my bed as I do this like I did last week but this time do it more aggressively?

Note... I would then immediately take the bedsheet and then put it in trash bag and take it to the laundromat as to not wet the bed that much. It doesn't seem there is much or any manuka honey stain anymore but should I do here? I can buy oxiclean but could I just put oxiclean and FOCA powder detergent in the washing machine at laundromat or do I have to pretreat it? I don't have a bucket. The laundromat I believe uses lukewarm water.

If I don't smell any manuka honey or lubricant or examine it closely and there doesn't seem to be a stain, could I just do laundry like normal? My concern is using the dryer afterwards as it could set in either of these stains? If it isn't visible, is it fine to just do laundry like normal?

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