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Painting trim tips

last month

34 year old trim, husband had the house built, I came a long a couple years later. He's always loved the wood trim, I've always wanted to paint it.
He's agreed to paint it because after this many years, I want baseboard! Putting up baseboard, it would never match the trim. My solution is to paint it!
I'm currently working the kitchen and hallway, painting any trim attached to those areas and purposely hitting all walls with the white primer so each room will need new paint 😆
My question is, do I prime twice and semi gloss once or twice?
In the kitchen and bathroom trim, I primed twice, semi gloss once, it looks really nice. I can see where I will do small touch ups in a few corners.
The 2 bedroom doors/trim I realized yesterday I only primed once and semi glossed yesterday.
When I hit an area, like the bathroom window, is it possible I'll need more than 2 prime coats? If I take a damp cloth, wipe the trim, my cloth will have brown on it from the tannins.
Plus our windows need to be replaced, that will be done eventually.
Any tips for the trim around a big window? It's the window in our living room. I'm honestly not sure which room I'll do next after the kitchen and hallway.

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