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Do you have separate knobs for hot/cold at kitchen sink?

last month
last modified: last month

We recently sold our second home and purchased a larger one. The new place has been remodeled, especially the kitchen. Unfortunately it is basically nothing that I would have chosen, starting with the sink faucets. I was perfectly happy with the function and look of a single lever. This new setup is so frustrating with constantly trying to address the water temp. Also , I think that the sprayer was made by Little Tykes! It is incredibly wimpy with no oomph!

The kitchen is the trendy gray and white highligted by the brightest LED lightbulbs ever. Having the microwave over the stove was ideal for me. Now there is an ugly stainless steel hood, and the poor microwave is across the island and down low. I have to stoop completly down in order to read the settings. Standing up while holding a heavy, hot dish is an accident waiting to happen.. Am i the only one who feels this way? The complexity of operating the oven will be for another rant! It is a Samsung with the option of using it as two smaller ovens or one larger one. In order to use it as one larger one you must remove a large metal tray/sheet. So now it has to be put someplace……on the table, on a counter, in the garage, under a bed?? Sheesh! Who designed these things?

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