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Pantone color of the year for 2025....Mocha Mousse

Now this is a color I like and seems it could be used in a lot of ways...

In fact one of my favorite color combos is this with vanilla....

Comments (22)

  • last month

    Yes to Mocha Mousse though I wouldn’t want it on my walls. I do have a lighter mocha shade of paint though.

  • last month

    I like it, I wouldn't paint a large room that color but it's nice. Not as controversial as other years.

  • last month

    I like it, had it or a very similar color on my office walls for the last 10 years. I've just recently had them done the faintest of yellows with vanilla white woodwork, replaced the white carpet with what now looks like textured but solid color mocha mousse on the floor. I'm happy with how its turned out, still have a little tweaking to do with accent colors, considering green or teal. No art back up on the walls yet.

  • last month

    I’d have to see it in a room. As a swatch it’s just pinky brown to me, pass.

  • last month

  • last month

    Can't miss the pink so it won't be in my home.

  • last month
    last modified: last month

    Not a color I would ever choose for anything, except maybe a real chocolate mousse. It reads 'grandma; from the 50's or 60's. The pink is a no go for me, too. In the pic Annie posted, I might be able to live with it if the sofa were a rich, dark brown, but that pinky beige sofa...just looks so boring and blah to me.

  • last month

    You all have such an eye for color - the pink thing never crossed my mind. Now that I look around my office at our new place I see the walls are a similar, darker color like that. I don't think they're pink though based on how they go with the window treatments that have more of a gold tone in them. I like the color (pink or not) but if I were choosing I'd not likely pick such a dark shade for wall paint - like fear of color, fear of dark.

  • last month

    Funny I see no pink in it at all.

  • last month

    Its brown No thanks.

  • last month
    last modified: last month

    Annie, you really don't see the pink? There's red in there which I guess causes the pink. I don't like pink, other than rosy cheeks, so it jumps out at me.

    3katz, I'm not a color expert, but I know what I like and don't. The pink is like anise/licorice flavor in food. I can pick it up at 30 paces.

  • last month

    It's pretty in the room you shared. But my initial reaction to the color itself is "nope". I think it's probably because I generally prefer cool wall colors and dislike browns for wall colors. I think the pivot has been going for several years, but we seem to be swinging hard away from cool gray and to warm browns again.

  • last month

    That is the color of the door curtains and floor in my kitchen that I put in in 2019....

  • last month

    We've done major renovations on our house twice and in both cases have hired an interior designer and in both cases the only hard and fast rule is regarding colour. There is to be absolutely no pink or red undertones in the house.

  • last month
    last modified: last month

    I love warm beige walls and brown stained wood cabinetry - always have in spite of the gray and white movement. When I was looking for a house I would see some beautiful homes awash with fresh gray everything. Nope not for me - hard pass on all of those no matter how nice they were. I see a lot of gray furniture for sale on FBM. I always think those are trendy people now switching to beige.

  • last month

    I detest gray. I cannot say how much I hate it. Gray hate is a 10 out of 1-5.

  • last month

    Well, it's not my favorite shade, but surprisingly, it does not offend me. I think in the proper setting, it could work very well. I might, underlined, might put it in a cozy masculine den/reading room, if I had one. One with moody indirect light and lots of detail on the walls like paneling grooves or wood trimwork. With plenty of small but ornate lamps tucked in corners and on end tables and bookcases. The pink underneath gives it, to me, a nice lift-up as long as floors can be undertone matched with it. We all 'see' things differently per the color cones eye tests on-line a few years ago, so that might explain why it offends some and pleases others. In any case, I saw on social media that the color should have been named Nana's Tights. If I was a nana, I might say thanks! It was a hard color to find lol.

  • last month

    Skews Elastoplast bandage to me...

  • last month

    Nana’s tights!! Nana’s support stockings and Ace bandage! 100%!

  • last month

    Our monitors also will affect what we see.

    I see no pink at all. And I find the room Annie posted appealing. And I would not like a paint that leans pink. It's actually a darker version of the paint I have in my family room and primary bedroom which I still love after years and years. It's BM Manchester Tan.

  • last month

    I'm thinking we'll see a bigger impact on fashion offerings, as it is complementary to warmer skin tones and pairing with warm accents.... and can be seasonless. .