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HELP with bathroom tile selection!

last month

I am having the worst time choosing a bathroom tile for our Master bath (shower walls (24x48, shower floor, bathroom floor) as well as 2 guest baths (12x24) & down to the wire of needing to make a decision ASAP. I am a very visual person & have found it incredibly difficult to make a choice from samples with no real application photos to see patterns/color variations etc especially after finding out that some of the samples I am choosing from are older versions and die lots could be different. I am looking for modern/contemporary/minimalist elegant look with just a slight amount of color/pattern variation, NO movement - more of neutral light color that could be considered warm but without having a beige tint.....trying not to be too cool or too warm. After looking online it seems like the patterns that have a concrete look are catching my eye but wondering if anyone has any photos along the lines of what I am looking for with the tile info....maybe something like this photo...I will have Delta Champagne bronze & Brizo Luxe gold fixtures in the bathrooms.

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