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Should I send a Christmas gift?

last month
last modified: last month

For the past five years or so, my parents' younger neighbor has been mowing their lawn and shoveling their walks out of kindness. A plow company, hired by my Dad, clears the driveway. A few years ago, the neighbor finally accepted payment, though I’m unsure how much my dad gives him, as he tends to be a bit stingy.

I always make sure to thank him profusely whenever I see him, but I'm not sure if there's anything else I should be doing. I was considering starting a tradition of giving him a thank-you gift at Christmas, but I’m unsure what would be appropriate or if it would be awkward or insulting since I barely know him.

For context, my parents live in a tract home with a small yard and driveway. They are both in their 80s, and my dad will soon turn 90. The neighbor is in his late 30s and is married and has three elementary-aged daughters. My Mom gives the girls little gifts for their birthdays and holidays.

Should I send a gift? What should I send? Thanks.

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