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Pruning Spanish lavender help

Hey everyone. I need some advice for my Spanish Lavender in Southern California zone 10. I did I nice prune in late spring. We ended up having a long very hot dry summer and most of my Spanish lavender really struggled. I know you should do another trim in late August/early fall. However, we were still hot all through September and got another heat wave in October. I knew the lavender had been really stressed, so was waiting to trim it back until it cooled, which just never happened. I kept waiting and before I knew it here we are in late November. I’m worried I waited way too long and now it’s way too late to trim them. I was wondering if anyone had any insight on whether I could still do a light trim or at least deadhead them. Winters are very mild, soI don’t think we’ll get down below 32 at night until January. They are about a year and a half, not too big or woody yet. Any advice is welcome. Thanks!

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