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Help with furniture layouts in den, office, living room, sunroom

2 months ago

Hi everyone! We could use some help figuring out how to arrange the common rooms in our house (living room, den, sun room) and the main level office. I'm including layout photos below with any non-movable items/features called out.

We recently moved from an open-layout home (single room for the living room, dining room, and kitchen) to a home with large and distinct rooms (I like non-open layouts personally). We are struggling to figure out the layout for furniture

We brought furniture with us and received some furniture from family, and hope to use what we have in conjunction with investing in quality pieces in the coming months. So we are trying to figure out what furniture layouts would make sense so we can get a better sense of where to place what we have and what pieces we should consider adding.

Also, we originally assumed it would make sense to have the desk in the office face the door to the office, but we don't love how that is turning out because it means that from the doorway to the office, you are looking at the back of multiple computer screens (our jobs would be difficult if we didnt have the multi-screen setup).

Thank you guys!!!

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