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Pool Tile - Now is the time while Re-surfacing

last month

I have had this pool for 15 years and we love it, except for the 1x1 tiles on the spillover that have popped off even after having them taken off and put back up by a tile pro vs pool tile guy. Since we are resurfacing I can now replace the 1x1’s with something less problematic. I can also change the waterline tile everywhere it is if I want. I am having a horrible time finding pool tile where I live. Do you have suggestions for pool tile for this neutral colored pool? I have pics of the pool as it is and I will add some pics of pool tile I have found that may work in the front of the spillover. My pool pro said I should get a 6’ piece of granite for the actual spillover. Coping stays the same. He said the waterline tile is in good shape too and he can keep it and just re-grout it if I like. I have liked it, but now is my chance to see if there is something else I may like better. Problem is there is hardly any 6x6 waterline pool tile in my town. I would love to hear your recommendations! I can’t wait to get rid of the 1x1’s. I’m not sure if I will line the edges of the bench and steps with something new or not. Thank you in advance! I appreciate your help!

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