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Has anyone tried Hoka brand shoes?

3 months ago
last modified: 3 months ago

I'm looking at the "Transport" model. Are they comfortable? Lots of cushioning? A good walking shoe? Running? Do they run true to size? THIS review makes them sound pretty good...Link

Comments (40)

  • 3 months ago

    Yes, ihave apair of Hoka bondi 8. i bought them because my podiatrist recommended them because of all the cushioning. to be honest i dont really like them, there is a lot of cushioning buy so much it makes me feel like i am about to bounce right off the road.

    i feel uncomfortable walking in them.

    nicole___ thanked Lyban zone 4
  • 3 months ago

    I had two pairs of Hokas and eventuallygave both away to Goodwill. They were both leather which stretched out to the point of being too big.

    nicole___ thanked Kswl
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  • 3 months ago

    Bought and returned- they wore me! Just too much shoe.

    nicole___ thanked maddie260
  • 3 months ago

    Donated mine as they were incredibly uncomfortable after wearing for awhile. YMMV.

    nicole___ thanked Shandra
  • 3 months ago

    I have the Hoka Arahi 7 ... I really like them and they are very cushioned! I am pretty sure I bought a size down (9.5) but as with all running/walking shoes, I recommend trying them on in person before buying! There are so many different styles of Hoka ... I had actually planned to get the On Cloud sneakers but they were too "bouncy" for me.

    I really like the black -- the lighter colors made my large feet look crazy big. The black actually make my feet look smaller!

    nicole___ thanked Funkyart
  • 3 months ago

    Who hasn't tried Hokas? 😂

    nicole___ thanked terezosa / terriks
  • 2 months ago

    I appreciate the feedback....they sound like they run big....and very squishy. :0)

  • 2 months ago

    My SO loves his. I can't get past the look of them. 😄 Normally I am not terribly discerning about athletic apparel - it is what it is - but something about those reminds me of clown shoes. I stifle laughter everytime he wears his. I keep wanting to buy him a multi-colored wig to complete the ensemble. 🤣

    nicole___ thanked Ally De
  • 2 months ago

    I checked this morning-- I did not go down a size. It was a different shoe.

    I wouldnt call them "squishy" ... not at all! They are cushioned and supportive.

    nicole___ thanked Funkyart
  • 2 months ago

    I have a thing against shoes with toes that go up like that. So, no

    nicole___ thanked kitschykitch
  • 2 months ago

    I tried them several years ago when they first came out. They were a big no for me for running.

    nicole___ thanked OutsidePlaying
  • 2 months ago

    I was having foot issues a year or so ago and someone recommended Hokas. When I first looked at them, I thought they were ugly, but I found a pair of tame ones and I love them. Obv everyone’s feet are different, but these have been good for mine.

    Solimar and Torrent 3.

    nicole___ thanked Sueb20
  • 2 months ago

    Another vote for Hoka Arahi 7’s.

    nicole___ thanked 2pups4me
  • 2 months ago


    nicole___ thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    mtn...New Balance 327.....you like that model? They cost less than the Hoka I'm looking at. I don't like the silly shoe lace for running track....and I run track with my tennis shoes.

    The NB sole looks pretty AMAZING!

  • 2 months ago

    I do not like the squishy Hoka's like Bondi or Clifton 9. I know people love them, and they had them to try on at my conference. I am not a runner, though.

    I also have the Solimar, and they are a great general purpose workout shoe for Zumba, walking, etc. They are not squishy. I have 3 pairs of Solimar: dark bright pink (which they don't seem to have anymore) and then I have the silver/nimbus, and all black. They can be washed.

    I wore New Balance for years, but I didn't like the current model of the one I always bought, so I changed to Hoka. I think I exhausted every online vendor in my size of the ones I used to have.

    nicole___ thanked gsciencechick
  • 2 months ago

    Marathon runner here and I hate Hokas, way too much cushioning and very bulky. I feel the same way about Brooks. I will always be a Nike fan for running shoes. I have the New Balance 327 (black with the tan sole) and love them for casual wear. I find I wear them much more than my designer sneakers (gucci, saint laurent) because they are actually comfortable and look nice.

    nicole___ thanked Caroline Hamilton
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Those are the ones I posted above; I just ordered them along w a bunch of gifts.

    nicole___ thanked mtnrdredux_gw
  • 2 months ago

    Hoka Bondi 8s for me! Totally transformed my walking experience! I developed plantar fasciitis a few years ago that lasted 2 years until I switched to Hoka shoes. I now walk 5.5 miles a day. NO plantar fasciitis. Same story for my husband.

    nicole___ thanked BirchPoint
  • 2 months ago

    I have a very wide foot with bunions. I tried Hokas and found they were too tight both the runners and the rubber-type slides. I went with Altra instead and am happy but the model I got are a zero drop which isn't for everyone. I agree that you should try different Hokas, but the ones I tried were way too narrow for me.

    nicole___ thanked daisychain011
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    I purchased the Clifton 9 in a 7.5D width, hubby got the Arahi/support. We liked the black with white sole, of course that color wasn't on sale...🐾The Bondi was cheaper/sale priced, but I liked the Clifton so much I didn't even try them on. The Clifton is squishy, compared to my Asics or Nike's. I need the squish for my knees. Thanks for ALL your input. We're wearing them around the house today...tomorrow...to the outdoor track.


  • 2 months ago

    I was having undetermined foot trouble last year. The orthopedist told me to change from my ONs to Hokas or Brooks. I did not find either one comfortable. Like Maddie, I thought the Hokas were wearing me!

    nicole___ thanked bbstx
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Another who felt quite awkward in Hokas. I do not have great depth perception so this was a "hard no" for me. I liked my On Cloud shoes that I took on my 4 week Europe/UK holiday. Very comfortable and secure, walked many miles in these.

    nicole___ thanked jill302
  • 2 months ago

    Funny, Jill .. I have severe depth perception issues (tested as 0/none!) but the hokas worked for me and the On Clouds did not. I actually got vertigo when I tried them on and walked around Dick's Sporting Goods... and walked all around NYC in the Hokas.

    Just goes to show you gotta try them on-- what works for one won't necessarily work for another!

  • 2 months ago

    Can anyone i.d. the black ? Yes bouncy, not squishy

    . Just purchased and walked the mall. So far so great. Left box at store and no name on shoe. Also, got these ”transport” .Untested out of the store.

    nicole___ thanked martinca_gw sunset zone 24
  • 2 months ago

    I found I felt unstable in them, too squishy or something.

    I switched to Topos for running/walking/hiking a few years ago and I love them.

    nicole___ thanked legomom23
  • 2 months ago

    They look very similar to my arahi, Martinica ... but my laces are black. Look behind the heel .. on the outside: the arahi has a tag running vertically that says ARAHI 7 (or 8)

    nicole___ thanked Funkyart
  • 2 months ago

    Thanks, Funky. Found it. White on white is hard to see. It’s KAWANA. I noted they felt like they were making me step heel to toe, which I think is recommended stride. Didnt noticed the heel lift look. Might have passed . Glad I didn’t, tho doesnt say walking”. We shall see.

    nicole___ thanked martinca_gw sunset zone 24
  • 2 months ago

    I had to get rid of my Hokas. My orthopedist nixed them after I rolled my ankle and tore a tendon. He said he’s seen a ton of ankle injuries in people wearing them. He said they are too flexible with not enough support. I’m back in my NB 990s.

    nicole___ thanked texanjana
  • 2 months ago

    My podiatrist said the same. One of his recommendations was Brooks but I hated them, too. ;)

    nicole___ thanked Shandra
  • 2 months ago

    Nike Zoom Pegasus running shoes for me. I have about 6 in daily rotation. Good support and not squishy.

    nicole___ thanked Bunny
  • 2 months ago
    last modified: 2 months ago

    Air Pegasus are OK, same problem as the Torch tho. I had a NEW pair of white Nike Torch's stashed, purchased a whole size too big, so the width fit me and the tongue twists to the side when I wear them. Those 3 things bother me. Yeah...I don't like filthy dirty white shoes, the twisted tongue/lets dirt into the shoe & I need a wide width. Wide width black Hoka's have a stitched in place tongue. It solved those three problems. Exactly what I needed!

    I have a TON of pretty Nike & Asic's I'll keep for grocery store runs & gardening. 😎

  • 2 months ago

    I made 2 impulse purchases of sneakers recently. Both are for casual wear, not for exercising or sports (😆 as if i particpate in any sports). Turns out neither is as supportive as I like. Sadly that wasn’t obvious while walking around the shoe store.

    The Nike pair is so squishy, it feels like a bedroom slipper but not in a good way. They might have triggered the beginning of a recurrence of plantar fasciitis. 😕 I’ll be giving that pair to my sister to try. The On pair are more supportive than the Nike, but not quite as firm as I prefer. IDK if I’ll keep them bc they’re not awful, or maybe also offer them to my sister (who doesn’t have PF) .

    nicole___ thanked hhireno
  • last month
    last modified: last month

    I had a few pairs from Hoka. But honestly Nike has much more comfortable sports shoes. Now I do calisthenics especially after reading https://betterme.world/articles/calisthenics-for-shoulders/ . Although from time to time I like to run. So I need really comfortable shoes for both sports. If you are like me then buy better Nu Balance or Nike

    nicole___ thanked Barbara Bonbon
  • last month
    last modified: last month

    I've been wearing Nike for years. They really suck! Not wide enough and the tongue isn't sewn down....and heavy...compared to other brands.

  • last month

    Purchase Hokas through their website, not in a store. They give you a 30 day return period - even if you have worn the shoes. No other way to figure out if they work than to give them a road test.

    I have horrific tendonitis and other back problems. I have been wearing Hokas for 9 years daily, always, with everything, because they are the only thing that helps my pain. I only wear Clifton. No other shoe of theirs works for me. I was so afraid at the beginning of the pandemic that they would not be available so I hoarded 10 pairs! They are my life saver. Black with white soles. Not a great fashion statement.... but.

    nicole___ thanked Kendrah
  • last month

    Jane Tobin said:Next time you are in a hospital (hopefully just visiting) check out the staff's feet. I estimate that 80% of them are wearing Hokas. My RN daughter re...


    Jane...Good information! My husband and I are Hoka lovers...now that we tried them....we LOVE them. ❤️

  • last month

    I have purchased 2 separate sized pairs of HOKA womens Clifton 9 running shoes in 2023. Both shoes had the exact same manufacturing problems with the tread literally pealing away from the bottom of the shoes. After paying for each pair to return to HOKA under manufacture 1 year warranty, HOKA would not honor their warranty and simply returned the shoes minus the missing treads, that had originally been included in a baggy with each pair of shoes leaving the shoes unusable. HOKA claimed wear and tear, regardless of the obvious treads that had torn away. Avoid this company if you expect any reciprocal loyalty. They truly do not care.

  • last month

    @Eric Carley....runners usually buy a new pair of shoes every month. We really don't expect longevity from running shoes. Thanks for posting tho. Good to know.

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