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Convert to gas?

2 months ago

(Reposted to avoid confusion)

Im considering converting to natural gas in order to gain space in my laundry room, which I need since my kitchen reno will take space away from laundry.

Bonus: I can get a gas fireplace in my den.

Although people will hate me for saying this: I dont want gas on my stove or dryer. I have solar panels and Im used to cooking w electric anyway.

Gas runs along a street on the side of my house, so I checked and its accessible. The line would have to go up the side of the house and through the attic to the laundry which is located in the very center of my house due to adding an apartment for my mother-in-law 11 years ago.

I have baseboard heat. Oil burner with outside oil tank and an electric water heater tank with Aqua Boost (I dont know what that means, but thats what a plumber told me)

Im on Long Island in NY, just me and hubby, and I have a two bedroom, large accessory apartment.

I am VERY concerned with getting ample hot water. Ex: if my Mother-in-law runs her dishwasher and my hubby takes a shower with his rainhead, will I be able to take a hot bath—all at the same time? I can do that now. Will my NY cold weather cause me to pay more for heating with gas rather than oil? Lastly, the whole ”gas blows up houses” scare—should I even consider that?

If you think YES DO IT, what maker is best? what unit is best? What size should i get? Should i keep my electric water heater tank?

i hope its enough info

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