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First freeze so I cut everything I could

2 months ago
last modified: 2 months ago

It is that time of year where the first freeze comes so I try and cut everything in advance for the house.

Upper left: Parade Day and Amiga Mia (white Iceberg is barely visible in back). Center upper: Fred Loads and Lady in Red. Upper right: Smoothie, Dainty Bess, Winnipeg Parks and a small sprig of The Fairy.

Center left: Candy land surrounded by The Fairy. Center: Candy Land. Center right: Winnipeg Parks & Candy Land.

Lower left: Candy Land. Lower center: Candy Land and Winnipeg Parks. Lower right: Candy Land and Fred Loads.

Niel Diamond and The Fairy.

Lady in Red and Sally Holmes.

If you've got end of year pics I would love to see them!

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