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OT - Wild roses coming back after fire storm

2 months ago

Our cabin on a 3 acre property in way Northern CA burned to ashes instantly in a true firestorm almost exactly 3 years ago, along with an entire forest for 5 miles in every direction, and 12 other homes.

We still go up there occasionally to see friends, or visit the cute little "gold rush" era towns nearby.

We went up there last week, which was 1 1/2 years since we had been there. We are not re-building, as no one else on our road is, and I don't want to have a vacation house with no neighbors for 5 miles in every direction.

We used to have wild roses blooming (they planted themselves - our entire property was wild, not gardened by me, but Mother Nature) on either side of the entrance gate to our driveway. Some nice person on here had told me their name, but I can't remember it. As of 18 months after the fire, some things were sprouting, but I could not find those roses anywhere. Here is a pic I took of one of them before the fire:

This past week I was very pleased with the recovering plant life. It was a pine forest originally, but right after the fire we had the huge 80ft+ pines and firs all logged, as they were incredibly dangerous standing as dead burned trunks after the fire, and in other nearby places some people had been killed by falling trees months after the fire. Anyway, last week I saw that almost all of the maple trees had re-sprouted, and were now young bushes about 8-10 feet tall and wide. Ditto the oaks, except they were smaller. A few other types of trees had also made huge round bushes, and there were several kinds of wildflowers blooming.

Low and behold, on either side of where the gate to our driveway was, I found 4 small (about 2 ft high and wide) bushes of the wild roses, 2 on either side of where the gate had been. Here is a pic of that area about a month after the fire - the green metal thingy you can barely see was part of the gate:

The reason I am making this post is that, 15 feet away from the other rose bushes, I found 2 more in a place I do not remember there being any. One looked exactly like the other 4 I found. All 5 of them had teeny tiny rose hips on them. These roses had always bloomed in about June (it is 3500 ft above sea level) for maybe 1 week. However, the sixth rose bush, which was about 10 inches away from the 5th one, and the same size, was blooming! It had not only open blooms on it, but I saw several places all over it where it was setting new hips! Its foliage looked way younger than the foliage on the other 5 bushes, which had the normal sort of aged "end of season" foliage. The 6th rose bush's foliage was darker green, and healthy all over. I have been going up there for 55 years, and I never saw any of these wild roses blooming in Oct! All I can think of is that maybe it was a seedling which came up last Spring, and got some water (mountain summer thunder storms happen up there) in the summer, and so it decided it was time to bloom after it got big enough.

Do any of you who know about species roses have an explanation for this behaviour? I was so happy to see it blooming that I ran and got my DH to look at it. The blooms looked exactly like those on the old photo above, and the buds looked healthy, and were tiny as always. Any thoughts or info would be apprciated - I am just very curious.


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