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Algae question...

2 months ago

Hi all. I will be 75 in January, and I'm realizing that what little ponding I do, is getting to be A LOT. So I'm thinking of giving some things up, and/or not worrying so much about other things. One of the little ponds I have is an in-ground 500 gallon stock tank (or is it 300 gallons??.........see, I told you I was getting old). :) Anyhow.........I have a pump going on in it all the time. Usually every summer, I have to clean the pump multiple times. But this year, I haven't changed it at all and the water is clear!!

But I must add that last Fall we emptied it out entirely and my husband brushed out all the algae on the sides. But I'm starting to realize that when my small ponds have a lot of duckweed and/or what I think is hair algae, it helps the water to stay clear. I only grow a few plants (water lily, etc.) in this pond and only have tadpoles and fish. My questions are: Does it make sense that some algae can actually help keep the water clear?

My next question is, is the pic I posted hair algae? I had no idea it was in the pond until I was getting some fallen leaves out and pulled this monstrosity out. I put it back in.....feeling like it was helping to keep the water clean. And it wasn't even real obvious in the pond. Is there any reason to NOT keep it in there? Do frogs/toads/tadpoles get stuck in it? Any input would be appreciated.
