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Aged brass+polished nickel+stainless steel in kitchen?

3 months ago

Hi all! I'm currently working on our kitchen reno. We are using London Gray quartz with (likely) Simply White cabinetry. I really love the look of brass hardware and have considered it essential in my plan for a warm, not frosty, white+gray kitchen. I would also like to use polished nickel as our faucet; it feels a tad warmer than the chrome and I dislike brass for faucets.

Which brings me to our sink. With will stainless stick out like a sore, industrial thumb? Or will your eye just accept it as "kitchen stuff," like it does with fridge/cooktop/dishwasher? I have always had SS and since I don't care at all about scratches in that material, it is very low maintenance for me and my larger family. I'm hoping with traditional styling in the polished nickel faucet, it might all blend in?

If you have this, please share photos!

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