What do I do with this Fridge!!!
4 months ago
last modified: 4 months ago
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- 4 months ago
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When do I pick my soybeans and what do I do with them?
Comments (2)Well I went out and pulled off the dark brown/black ones that have dried out. Cracking open the shell was a lot like cracking open some peanuts. Anyways, the beans that came out were perfect. I still have the original batch of soybeans from the asian market. My grown ones look almost exactly the same. The only difference is that mine are just not quite as fat. Also I'm growing some mung beans. Same deal there, I pulled off a dry pod and cracked it open. The beans look the same as the bag of mung beans I grew them from. I'm still amazed I got any beans at all from these plants. I mean I truly treated them like crap. They were not at the edge of my balcony but close to my door. So they only got direct sunlight for about 5 hours a day. The stuff at the edge get 8 or 9 hours. I grew them in crappy $4 for 40 pound "organic" potting soil. No fertilizers added or anything. I really haven't been very diligent with watering them either. These bean plants never had any good looking leaves. They've all been full of brown spots and frayed edges. I've built one of those earthbox type self watering containers and have a tomato plant and basil plant in it. They've grown so quick and look so healthy. I'm going to build some more and I want to try a soybean plant in there to see how it does when it's treated nice....See MoreFridge Water Dispenser inside Fridge - Do You Like?
Comments (13)These comments are so helpful, thanks! I think now I am reassured we will be OK with the dispenser inside the fridge. I am surprised no one has mentioned that you are leaving the fridge door open, letting cold air escape, as you fill a glass with water, so I guess it's not much of an energy loss. Mountaineergirl, we aren't so young, but we "play-acted" at the store scooping ice, and we felt fine with it. Even have our ice scoop picked out (the Oxo, looks awesome) :)) Now to pick the fridge - Whirlpool vs. Kitchenaid (we know they are the same company) vs. Samsung vs. Electrolux. DH loves the look of the Electrolux, but the online reviews are appalling. All I ask is that the icemaker is in the freezer section, not the fridge section. But many french door fridges have the icemaker in the fridge section....See MoreWhat do I need to know about cabinets around a fridge?
Comments (17)Theresa - Thanks for more pictures of your Kitchen! That is a nice island! Do you find you prep more on the island or next to the stove? artistsharonva - Thanks for the suggestions, but with the way I work in a kitchen I just can't seem to see them working for me. I like a good stretch of counter space between sink and stove or to have the sink very near the counter I'm working at. I guess I wonder why everyone wants the island to be clear? I mainly want seating at the island because I often have to help my kids with homework and I spend a lot of time at the sink so I'd like to have it facing out to where they will be. This is also why I have never considered a range in the island. They're too young and I'd worry about paper on the stovetop. In my plan I'd mostly prep on that back wall, though if I were doing something like making PB&J for the kids I might do that on the island. Then I see the counter that is off to the side under the window for extra prep if another person is helping me, or where the things like like to end up on the counter can go. For instance my DH plopped down his crock he makes pickles in on my counter last week saying he was going to empty it this weekend. He didn't and it's still taking up valuable space right now. He does that kind of thing a lot so if I had a counter he could do that on and it doesn't interfere with my daily prepping/cooking/cleaning that would be awesome! I did tweak my draft to move the garbage cabinet to the other side so there is counter on either side of the sink. I originally didn't have it because I was trying to put the fridge where the stove currently is and there wasn't room then when I moved it to the back wall I tacked it on to add length. I think I'd have to decide where I'd want the dishes (by the fridge or along the side wall) before I decided for sure which side I'd want the DW on. I need to draw this out on graph paper I think to make sure my sizes and distances are accurate. I think I have about 4' between back counter and island right now and about 47"/48" on either side of the island and 4' between the island back corner and the bench/lockers....See MoreWhat can I do with this fridge
Comments (9)Your cabinets are partial overlay which means you may be able to unscrew the top one over fridge & pull it forward & buy a 3/4" thick fridge tall panel finshed on all edges at a cabinet store that sells parts. Hopefully they have a matching stain color similar. It depends on the measuresments on what the current measurements are below, if this is possible. Please post a few extra pictures of that wall from different views, especially fron on. What are these measres?: _from the right corner to the door _from the right corner to where the counterop ends on left _the depth of the side wall, _the width of the countertop by itself, _the width from right corner to the left side of countertop. Important function : A fridge door should be able to open fully so the drawers can come out fully without hitting door or handle at all. So, to help calculate if putting a 3/4" panel, you will loose 3/4" spacing, which could interfere with the door opening. Please post this info, too... _Does your fridge currenlty open fully without hitting wall the at all now? _How much space from right of fridge to wall now? _ A picture of door open against wall. Do you know the manufacturer of these cabinets? Sometimes their is a logo in the drawer or hidden sticker within the cabinets. If you can figure out the cabinet line & they still make those color & styles, you might be able to buy extra pieces to do this & match easier. You will need extra crown if you do this adjustment if applicable. Can not see in current photo. A distant photo would help...See MoreRelated Professionals
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