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Guarding jealous dog

3 months ago

I have an 8 year old female chi mix rescue that’s been with me for 4 years. Two years ago I adopted another chi mix, a male. He is very timid and anxious, even with us, having come from a hoarding situation, and we’ve been working hard to socialize and make him happier.

The problem is Sophie. in the beginning, she was fine with him. They played and shared a bed, ran in the yard together and never guarded toys. It likely helped that Pete is submissive and would walk away if she claimed something.

He’s been making progress, and finally started cuddling and being more social, which became a problem for Sophie, particulary with regards to me. She’s a bit clingy and wants to be petted a lot (spoiled). As a result, she gives him the evil eye when she’s with me on the couch or in bed and he approaches, causing him to retreat. She has charged him three times, but I’ve been able to intervene before she got physical. When she is not with me, they play and interact with no issues.

I’m fairly dog savvy, but not sure in this case how to proceed. Giving her treats when he approaches to make the association that it’s a good thing when he comes near is difficult, because if he knows that treats are in the area, he will approach every time and I think this dilutes the effectiveness of this method. She doesn’t care if he is nearby when treats are being handed out, as long as he stays on the floor and doesn’t try to jump up.

sorry this is so long, but I wanted to cover the dynamic thoroughly. Any help appreciated.

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