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Cleaning refrigerators after hurricane outage

3 months ago

We just went through Milton—no physical damage thankfully but lost power for over a week and were not home for several days immediately after. Have two fridges that were w/o power and had spoiled food inside, including meats that leaked.
We have cleaned out spoiled food, washed the interiors with soapy water and then Clorox wipes.
One fridge is just 3 wks old—a French door—the other is older 2 door in our garage.
Both fridges really stink of spoiled meat.
I removed the new fridge’s filters in crispers (they smelled bad) and will get new ones. No idea if the older model has filters or where.

The ice in the new fridge smells bad and we have been throwing it out. The water not an issue because it is enclosed.
We kept the garage fridge unplugged and open after cleaning it but are using the newer fridge in house.
Suggestions for helping get rid of those noxious smells as quick as possible? Do we need repairman to replace filter in the older unit?

TIA for any helpful suggestions.

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