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Can I plant a palm tree (Latania) next to a big tree?

3 months ago
last modified: 3 months ago

Can one plant a palm tree (Latania) next to a big tree with many roots, on top of the trees roots that are underground? The tree is of an unknown kind, widely grown in the Azores and it has got red blooms once in a while. I had Italian Cypress planted there and it died by browning during a 3+ month drought this past summer even if we watered it, yet it was kept for many years in a pot, before planting it out last year about 4 ft. next to the tree that's been cut like 9 years ago and still is growing. Latania palm is Loddigesii I believe, it's quite red, but later it will probably turn all green, so it's probably not a red Latania (not photographed).

In the distance the following palms can be seen: Howea kentia belmoreana, Hyophorbe verschaffeltii, CIDP and under the window: Sabal etonia. In the last photo can see (half of) Washingtonia filifera and Senegal Date Palm. In the second photo there is a stump of a Faia tree (Myrica faya), which is not alive.

I am a palm collector, but I only collect palms that can grow locally. And some palms, bamboo etc. that are still in pots but are kept outside 24-7-365 and will be planted into the ground some day.

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