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1 st winter with above ground pool koi pond

3 months ago
last modified: 3 months ago

I started the 6200 gallon pond Dec 2023 and the pond temp got as low as 45 degrees with my 250+/- koi ranging from 4"-9" long. I had the pool and barrels covered with a tarp but didn’t insulate the outside of the pool very well. I put some MICROBE-LIFT BSDTG1 Broad Spectrum in late Spring 2023 since they had some flukes and costia from when they were in the lake. Now there is a lot of algae growing on the sides and bottom of pond and I think it might be helping lower the Nitrates levels? I hope to insulate the pond better this year but the temps still might get below 50 degrees? I'm not worried about having crystal clear water, I am more about the health of the koi and doing less water changes.

Should I leave the algae and treat the pond once again with the Microbe-Lift when I stop feeding?

Should I leave the 2500 gph pump and aerators on during the winter?

Should I turn off the water pump, empty the filter barrels and move the air closer to the water surface so the bottom water is not stirred up and might stay warmer and then put the K1 media and filters in the main pond to see if the beneficial bacteria will live?

Just can’t find much info on getting above ground koi pool ready for winter in N. Florida.

Water is 38" deep.

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