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Favorite red daylilies

4 months ago
last modified: 4 months ago

I am posting my favorite red daylilies today. I hope to see some from your garden! Just want to keep things rolling here, hoping everybody will post a few.

Yeah, it is RAINING today!!!

This is When Pigs Fly, wasnt sure if I should post it. I liked it and had high hopes for it here. The bud count is still meager after at least ten years here (6 buds per scape ). It left the garden a few weeks ago. I bet it would do great in a warmer climate.

Tall Dark Stranger is a trouper here….great bud count and good multiplier. It is a unique color.

Soco Gap earns its keep here…..nice classic form.

Ruby Spider, love the big blooms and has been reliable here. I have two clumps, bud count was down last season along with several other here.

Red Volunteer stays because it blooms in the shade here. It only gets a bit of sun at sunrise then shade under an old pine.

Reindeer Antlers holds up perfectly in all day sun and no extra water.

Late to the Party, a recent addition here and nice very late season bloom.

Fernstone had not performed well here. I moved to what I thought was the worst spot in the garden and it took off! It is in more shade.

Cherokee Star, such a gorgeous red.


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