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When planting zinnias outside?

4 months ago

I planted four packets of zinnias this past Mid May in New Hampshire. I followed the packet instructions to the t.... but had only 3 plants come up. And it is now mid September and just starting to bloom. I think I had problems with doves eating the seeds. Do you put down nets to keep the birds out until they come up? Is this normal to take this long for them to grow. In Florida (of course it is a lot warmer) but they pop right up and start blooming with in month and half. Also do you put down a fertilizer down under the seed or do you wait until they come up.

I am thinking of starting them in Florida in pots next spring and then bring them with me when I come up.... though I don't know how they will handle the car ride. I brought a lot of seed grown salvia and geraniums, but those do not mildew and did well on the trip.... If I decide to do this should I spray them with a fungicide or kanolin clay before to help them in the ride....

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