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help with mushroom i.d.

5 months ago

i'm not sure if this would be the proper place but i'm trying to i.d. some mushrooms.

in a nutshell, a friend of mine in georgia has a 4 year old great dane. two days ago, this dog became violently ill and ended up at the emergency vet for exploratory surgery. it was found that her g.i. tract was terribly inflamed. she was full of gas and her intestines, in the vet's words, were "very angry and looked very 'bruised'". he said she almost had to have ingested something to cause this sort of problem.

the owner went out today and scoured her yard and found these mushrooms. she said she has never seen them anywhere on their property in all the years she's lived in this house.

could anyone shed some light on if any of these could have been poisonous or cause such an irritation if the dog ate any (even a small part) of one or more?

dog is doing fine and recovering from surgery. thanks for any insight you can provide!

this is the bottom of this particular one.
