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Tile size, using same tile on two surfaces...

2 months ago
last modified: 2 months ago

I'm remodeling two bathrooms they are 5' x 8.5'. One is going be primarily black/white, the other sandy/woodtones. I'm gutting them.

Advice on tile:

1. design recommendations re: tile size? especially are there any "too big" for floors of my bathroom size?

2. I need 2-3 tiled surfaces in each bathroom: floor, tub or shower alcove, shower floor and possible the front of the tub. any comments or photos regarding using the same tile twice? - i.e. the main floor and the shower wall? room floor and shower floor? shower floor and wall? there's also the decision of having the same floor in both bathrooms? they are mirror images back to back...

guess which photos are current and which are for inspiration?! thank you.

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