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Favorite yellow daylilies

I realize quite a few daylily growers state yellow is not their favorite color. I was in that group until a few seasons ago. I have since noticed that the yellow ones add much needed contrast to my garden. It turns out that most of my yellow dayliles out perform the others……who knows why. Here are my favorite yellows, please add yours.

The yellow blooms are always perfect….no splotching or pale blooms.

Coyote Moon is at the top of my list. It has small blooms but is a bloom machine. The scapes are tall so it competes size wise with taller daylilies.

Faber Saber has had great increase and good bud count.

Simplicity in Motion has good bud count with delicate looking blooms.

Solar Blast is a wild double….. never know what the blooms will look like.

The Jury’s Out…….late and great bud count.


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