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Harvest Butternut and Tromboncino Squash now or mid October (frost?) ?

4 months ago
last modified: 4 months ago

I am in Toronto zone 5 and will be away from Sep 22 to Oct 13. Should I harvest my squashes now to have a week or so for curing, or after Oct 13 ? ?? . I would like to leave them out till October 13th, but my fear is that we might have light frost nights by then and the squash may get hit.

Right now about 2/3 of of my butternut squash ( Honey Baby ) and another butternut variety have a nice tan color already but the stems are not dry /brittle yet; the rest are still mostly or all green. And there are some squashes that don't have the shape of a butternut and are green like an acorn squash but more round, although the seeds were all supposed to be Honey Baby ...these don't have any dry stems yet either. I don't expect them to turn tan.

Three of my Tromboncino Squash are absolutely huge but still soft and green. I was planning to leave them to harden for eating later in winter. Now I wish I had eaten them when small because they are still not hard and are too big for me to consume before I leave. The small ones I keep using now like zucchini, no problem.

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