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Did you make anything new to you this year?

5 months ago

The garden boomed this year! My cousin, who lives in S. California , also wanted to start canning and wanted me to teach him. I'm in New York state, so big difference in what's ripe. So I had to try some new things. New this year that were winners (in no particular order): plum sauce, cinnamon pear jam, pear apple jam, ketchup, sombrero BBQ sauce, blackberry plum jam, autumn jam, candied jalapenos (AKA cowboy candy or bread & butter jalapenos) & fiery bread & butter pickles. Another one I tried was fig jam with fresh figs. On it's own, its kind of meh, but I ate it with brie. Delicious!

I also made Ball slow roasted Mexican sauce, which was totally meh! Won't be making that one again.

So what did you make that was new to you? What disd you like? Didn't like?

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