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September Fotess Swap Baker Creek or Surprise Garden Goodie

4 months ago
last modified: 4 months ago

This month is a simple seed swap. Partners will be matched up on the 10th. Sign up by 9/9.

We will send our partner 2-3 packs of seeds from Baker Creek Rare Seeds. Please order by 2/25.

If you feel that you have too many seeds and would like a garden goodie please opt for surprise. This can be any garden item please limit to $10. There are many garden goodies on Amazon or other sites that include free shipping so we can keep this $10 limit.

When you sign up please put flowers, herbs or vegetables or surprise so we know what you prefer.

Im having a hard time with the site but will start a game soon. Thank you!

Comments (62)

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Our weather has been beautiful here the past few days. It was 57 degrees this morning. The coolest it’s been since maybe April. I got a few more of my fall seeds planted today. Two kinds of radish and two kinds of turnips,

    De 18 Jours

    Japanese Wasabi


    Hida Beni Red
    My October Rose is blooming already and it’s beautiful. First time in years I’ve grown it. It’s so prickly.

  • 4 months ago

    Ruth, What great pictures! So adorable! I love your flower also! It is so hot here with no sign of Fall.

    Today is the last day for signups if anyone else would like to join.

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    Hey Everyone! Just got home about 3:30, am totally wiped out, wanted to post about my package before I fall asleep standing up! Jayeanne sent a really nice package, two packages actually, she forgot to put the dog treats in the first one! I got what I think is a leash holder, shaped like a dog bone, with 3 hooks on it; it says "good dog" but that can easily be changed to "good Kitties"! Pink also sent a cinnamon pumpkin candle, a backpack size hand sanitizer (I use these ALOT), and a very sweet note, with baby Pugs on the front. And then there were the seeds she sent. I AM SO EXCITED! There were Coleus, sweet peas, California poppies and acorn squash. AND THEN, there was Broom Corn, Fleabane and Bishops Flower, all three of which great for attracting Butterflies!! I have one lonely little patch of Fleabane show up in a different spot every year, Now I'll have it where I want it! All three of these are new to me and I can't wait to get them planted! Jayeanne, thank you very much for a great "Dog Days" package. Loved it! If I didn't think I would wake up at 3 am and be awake for the rest of the day, I would go to bed NOW! Tabs and MyrnD were really good for me, but now I know why Chris sounds so tired sometimes, when I call. Gonna miss them, tho! Jeanne, thanks for hosting a great swap! Take care of yourself, please! Shirley!
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    Hey Shirley, Sorry I didn't see your message! I responded. I am not sure why this website hates me, but I seem to always struggle with getting the notices. Urooj, my discount plants finally bloomed again (one little one so far) it is indeed a blanketflower, will try to post a pic tomorrow! Heidi, you're too funny. I love all your silly stories. I too could never be a diplomate. Always forgetting or sticking my foot (or both feet) in my mouth. Anywho...I hope you'll all join me in my first ever VERY simple swap this month!
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  • 4 months ago

    Okay let’s start a game. There is a town in Florida that my husband and I like to visit its called _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _. Every year in the summer they have a festival with a specific plant name. It is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ festival. These plants are very colorful. This town is known as the town of _ _ _ _ _ _. It is a small town with many _ _ _ _ _. It is also a great place for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

    One guess per day of 2 letters. Each correct word is worth 5 points.

  • 4 months ago

    T and V

  • 4 months ago

    HI Everyone!

    Amy, can I get an R and N please, thank you!

    I can't wait to find out my partner :)

  • 4 months ago

    15 hours ago

    Okay let’s start a game. There is a town in Florida that my husband and I like to visit its called _ _ _ _ / _ _ _ _ _ _. Every year in the summer they have a festival with a specific plant name. It is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ festival. These plants are very colorful. This town is known as the town of _ _ R_ _ _. It is a small town with many _ _ _ _ _. It is also a great place for _ _ _T _ N _ and _ _ _ _ _ N _.


    Annie sends to Nicole

    Nicole sends to Ruth

    Ruth sends to Amy

    Amy sends to Annie

  • 4 months ago

    Annie, your package is on the way. It will arrive on Friday!

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Amy, I believe I have it.

    But if I'm wrong, can I get an F and P please.

    Okay let’s start a game. There is a town in Florida that my husband and I like to visit its called Lake Placid. Every year in the summer they have a festival with a specific plant name. It is the Caladium festival. These plants are very colorful. This town is known as the town of murals. It is a small town with many lakes. It is also a great place for boating and fishing.

    Also, I didn't see your choice of BC seeds or garden surprise.

  • 4 months ago

    Wow Ruth! Great job that is perfect!

    Ruth, 35 points

    Ruth, I think I will choose garden surprise but really either one would be great! Thank you!

  • 4 months ago

    My first trip to Florida was when I 18 years old. We went to Lake Placid to visit relatives. It was pretty cool. They had orange groves. That's the only time I've been to Lake Placid. Sounds like a great place to visit.

    Amy I believe you mentioned a while back that you had moved. I think I have your current address, but could you send it to me just to be sure.

  • 4 months ago

    congrats Ruth!! Please check your message, thanks!

    Happy Wednesday everyone!!

  • 4 months ago

    Ruth, That is neat that you visited there. I think the orange groves mist smell amazing at night. I will message you my address. We are pitchasing a small house on the lake for a vacation getaway in Lake Placid. We really love it there because it is so peaceful.

  • 4 months ago

    For 5 points for each item post a picture of a art or craft item you made in 2024

  • 4 months ago

    I had to evacuate last MONDAY. WHEN I have a few free minutes, I will game play.

  • 4 months ago

    Annie, Nicole and Sharon, hope you are safe from the earthquake and hurricane.

    The only crafty things I've done this year is my door wreath. I have two wreath's that I change out the flowers/objects on it to reflect the season. I haven't taken any pictures.

    Today I planted sugar snap peas and kale. Kale does pretty good for me. Peas, not so much. Maybe this year will be a good one.

    Our false Fall is over. We're back in the 90's during the day and 70's at night for a while.

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Hi, everyone. This September has been way cooler than usual and I really appreciate it. We had rain today for the first half of the day. It's making me sleepy!

    My new dog was ready to come home on Tues. but I didn't find out until it was almost time for them to close so I got her Wednesday afternoon. Her name at the adoption place was Dashing which I'm sure related to her coloring. I have renamed her Shannon. She is doing great so far. I like the name "Dashing" but every time I thought of that name the lyrics "Dashing Through the Snow" came to mind. Made me reluctant that she might turn that into dashing out the door. She's very calm, quiet and sweet so far. I don't think she had ever been in a house before. She's afraid to walk through any doorways and the first time she spotted the TV - oh, my, what is that! So far we're working on "No feet on people or the furniture", "Understand that we go outside to use the outing for bathroom purposes" and "Come when I call". Her leash walking is so-so but will get better. Apparently she liked to keep her area clean so only one bathroom mishap since I got her and I think that was because she was afraid to squat down outside. She bonded to me completely by the second day and lays at my feet as much as she can. Loves having you pet her and continue petting her and keep going! She is still quiet in the crate so if I can't keep eyes on her and at night, she's in her crate. So far the cat has stayed on the second floor and Shannon has stayed on the first floor so no encounter yet. When it happens, I hope it goes well.

    Loved reading your dog stories and seeing the pictures.

    Wow, Ruth, I'm impressed you guessed all that! Sounds like a fun place to visit.

    Amy thanked sandlapper_rose
  • 4 months ago

    Ladies, I hope you are all safe! I don’t watch tv so I didnt know about the storms.

    Jeanne, Shannon sounds like a sweetie.

    Hope you all have a very safe and healthy weekend!

  • 4 months ago

    HI Everyone!

    Ruth ~ I am waiting for tracking from Baker Creek, ordered yesterday.

  • 4 months ago


    Please confirm your address with me...send via email. I don't think you have moved in the past year but I could have missed it.

    Also confirming you want a garden surprise and not Baker Creek seeds.

    Let me know the above ASAP. I just returned home from 5 day mandatory fire evacuation...and you never might happen again. So I may disappear.

    Happy weekend ladies!!

  • 4 months ago

    Annie, you will be in my prayers!

  • 4 months ago

    Annie ~ i didnt see ur message but address the same and garden surprise but Baker creek okay too for flowers. i know right now your personal life is more important. please take care and dont worry about the swap.

  • 4 months ago

    Amy, I just opened my wonderful package from you. Thank you so much!!

    Two items here...very cool items!!

    *a rose gold colored stainless steel tumbler....this can accomodate hot or cold. Love this!!

    *a sign for the outside but it easily could be placed the words from a big favorite song of mine by Louis Armstrong...the song WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD..............the words on the sign.....





    Amy, right up my alley.....Thanks so much!!

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Annie, I am glad your package arrived! The sign reminded me over little quotes and songs that you have posted over the years. Take care!

  • 4 months ago

    Nicole, your garden goodies, direct from AMAZON, should arrive Wednesday. are funny......and, of course, you are encouraging me to drink more vino...... in my new tumbler. LOL!! Happy Monday!!

  • 4 months ago

    Thank you Annie!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

  • 4 months ago

    Jeanne, sounds like you got a sweetie.

    Amy, how awesome that y'all are getting a house in a place you love so much. Will you retire there someday?

    Annie, that has to be extremely scary. I saw on the news but didn't realize the fire was that close to you. I always think of all our California friends when I see this stuff on the news.

    Has anyone heard anything from Nikki in the last few years?

    Sharon, glad your okay from the hurricane.

    Amy, ordered from amazon.

  • 4 months ago

    Ruth, I am not sure if we may someday retire there. My husband has retired but I am still working. I am looking forward to spending many weekends there.

    Hope you all are doing well, take care!

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Annie, glad to hear you could return home. Praying things stay safe in your area. Hope all of our other members are safe, too. Perhaps you heard on the news about all the rain in the Carolinas. The sun is out today and it sure is nice to see it. However, the last that I knew more rain is in the forecast later this week. Love the gifts that have been sent and received. Those lyrics from the song are so true.

    Time to walk Shannon. Poor dog sure has had lots of walks in the rain lately. She will love that there's no rain for this walk.

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    I heard on the news that we got more than 7 inches of rain on Monday and Tuesday and some areas along the coast got 21 inches of rain. Oh my...

    Shannon was so cute today - finally we had a sunny day and when I took her in the front yard to go for a walk, she stretched out on the grass and wanted to just lay there in the sun!

    I see I'm the hostess for October. Would everyone prefer "simple" (like a Halloween or other card) and maybe a seasonal recipe included? I'm inclined to go that way. Let me know. Of course, we can play some games. I also want to ask about next year. Should I think about posting sign ups for the 2025 months? I enjoy this group so much but we have lost lots of the people who used to participate. Should we keep going with the members who participate and hope more will join? Should we just exchange information with each other and keep in touch as we can without having this group? We certainly could just post pictures and garden information and not have a swap or games, but then I guess we don't belong in the Round Robin group. Will appreciate hearing your thoughts.

  • 4 months ago

    That’s a lot of rain. We sure could use some. I’ll need to water the plants in the morning. I don’t even see any rain in the forecast. Of course all the Texas sage is blooming and saying we are expecting rain. It might be fibbing this time.
    Simple sounds good to me for the October swap. I also enjoy the group and hope we can keep it going. I love seeing everyone’s pictures and hearing how everyone is doing.
    Today I got happy mail from baker creek. A great selection Nicole. I haven’t grown any of these varieties. Orange thyme was a free gift. I’m growing two varieties of thyme this year and keep meaning to dry some. I do use thyme in cooking, but not a lot.

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Your welcome Ruth! I tried to think of what you haven't grown so glad I giving you a challenge :)

    Thanks so much Annie for the wonderful garden goodies (Daisy fashion glasses, H garden flag, and the flower decorated garden gloves)!

    Hoping things are getting better. I know when the waves are crashing and hoping for smooth waves in life. Thank you taking your time to think of what goodies to send to me.

  • 4 months ago

    Hi everyone, glad to see everyone doing well!

    Jeanne, the new puppy is so cute! Love the pic 😍

    Ruth, your October Rose is beautiful! First time I've seen that one.

    I just planted some cabbage in the garden this week. Hope thats the last of the hurricanes this year for us. Luckily we kept our power on this time! Fall weather the last few days which was so nice! Love seeing everyone's goodie pics!

  • 4 months ago

    What great gifts ladies! Glad to hear everyone is safe. Enjoy your evening!

  • 4 months ago

    Amy, is it to late to post craft pictures??

    Jeanne, so happy you have Shannon in your life. There is nothing like a dog to bring peace, happiness, joy and simplicity in to ones life. Humans are great but sometimes they are a bit to much...haha!! I never get enough of my dog(s).

    Happy Eve!!

    Amy thanked canyonwind
  • 4 months ago

    Annie, sure please post photos.

    Ruth, Thank tou so much for the garden cuties!

  • 4 months ago

    Annie here. A few crafts done in the last year.

  • 4 months ago

    Hope everyone has a good weekend! The sun is out today, but our temperatures are increasing along with that. Of course, nothing like it was in the early part of the summer. And guess what - Fall's start time on Sunday, Sept. 22, will depend on where you live: If you are in the Eastern time zone, then fall officially begins at 8:43 a.m., local time. The start of fall will be at 7:43 a.m. in the Central time zone, 6:43 a.m. in the Mountain time zone and 5:43 a.m. in the Pacific time zone.

    I got this from Happy Fall tomorrow!

  • 4 months ago

    Wow Annie! Your art is really cool! How did you make the cutting board? I love the blue color!

  • 4 months ago

    These finally bloomed from seed. It took a couple years

  • 4 months ago

    Just a quick hello. I take Shannon to my vet today. She had a final vet check with the adoption place before I picked her up so hopefully he will confirm things are okay. She really doesn't like being in the car so getting her there and back will be a hassle. I took her with me Saturday to pick something up at a drive thru and after that she wouldn't even walk near the car. And here I thought a short drive might improve her attitude after the long drive from the adoption place to home. I'll let her bring her toy along today, but I doubt that will help much.

    On the garden front, for the first time ever I planted okra seeds this year. I had one bloom on the one plant that made it and got my first okra pod! There is another bud on the plant so maybe another? Okra is not a favorite of mine for cooking, but the flowers are quite pretty!

  • 4 months ago

    Amy, I took a few classes to make the cutting boards.

    You can buy the stuff to make them on Amazon. It is on my list to do but have not done that yet. You have to mix this and that to come up with the color part of the cutting board. It is endless what you can come up with. A very fun project!!

    The red color piece I posted....I made that in a pottery class. It is actually a platter that I made. I don't like perfect lines and perfect circles and perfect anything for that matter. Thus it is not a perfect!

    My niece does/sells pottery pieces on ETSY out of her house. She has 2 or 3 kilns at her house. She gives me lessons when I visit her or when she comes to my house. But once in a while my niece and I hit a pottery class together.

    Both of these projects are fun....I love working with my hands and fingers. And it is different than gardening or cooking.

    Happy Tuesday!!

  • 4 months ago
    last modified: 4 months ago

    Normally I can post to Houzz with no problem, but lately I've been having issues with it. I log in and then when I type something to post it tells me I need to log in again. Sometimes I go back after I do that and my message isn't even there. Anyone else running into this? Anyway, hopefully I can get through to post and keep up with October when I plan to be hostess. I'll check tomorrow to see if this message comes through.

  • 3 months ago

    I forgot to comment on Jeanne's post whenever it was re: FOTESS. I can not find the post but remember her posting something. Apologies that I did not comment sooner.

    Yes, I would like FOTESS to continue on a monthly basis. Yes, it is OK to skip a month once in a while. I think if we say goodbye to FOTESS all together, with the intent that we will touch base with each other once in a while.....well that probably will not happen.

  • 3 months ago

    Annie, Your art is wonderful. I love to do projects like that but need to make the time for it.

    Jeanne, I woold like fotess to continue. I don’t join every month but enjoy it when I can.

    Ruth, I will send out a little prize for the game prize.

    Nicole, Thank you for joining this month too.

    Hope you all have a great rest of your month.

    I think we have completed our September swap. Thank you all!

  • 3 months ago

    Ruth, Could you please message me your address? Thanks

  • 3 months ago

    Amy, address sent.

    Thank you for hosting this month.

    Hope all of you in Florida, North and South Carolina and Tennessee are okay. I can't believe the damage this hurricane has brought so far inland. My niece in Covington Georgia lost power for about 6 hours and had some trees down. Luckily they didn't fall on the house. It was dark and no power and she could hear the cracking breaking noise so she started running out of the house away from the noise.

    Amy thanked ruthz
  • 3 months ago

    Ruth, your prize is on the way.

    We are safe in our area. Hope all the other ladies are safe. It really was a terrible storm. There is s lot of destruction north of us. Praying for safety for all!

  • 3 months ago

    To all in and around the storm, be safe. And then there is the aftermath of the thoughts and prayers.

    Thanks Amy for taking the reigns this month!!!

    Happy weekend!!

  • 3 months ago
    last modified: 3 months ago

    Thanks for being hostess, Amy. I'll post by October 1 for the October Swap which will be simple. Maybe I can think of some Halloween/Autumn games. I'll put my thinking cap on. Yes, let's continue the group into 2025. I enjoy it as well. I just didn't know if others were willing. If you have some gardening friends, mention it to them and maybe we can get a few more people added.

    We were very fortunate to come through the storm safely. I know many other areas were not as lucky. Usually when storms hit NC (and it typically was the same for SC), the coast is where the impact is. This time in NC the western part of the state has lots of damage. I hope Shirley who lives in that part of the state is okay. I'm not sure she is on Houzz any more. Anyway, I'm sure some will be without power for awhile so prayers for anyone who had damages from the storm.