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POLL- Please help me choose color combo for exterior doors/shutters!

5 months ago
last modified: 5 months ago

Just replaced the roof now we will be painting the exterior. Need some help finalizing best color combo for doors and (future decorative) shutters! Thank you all so much in advance. Little info on our plans below..

I love me some thick trim. Unfortunately that’s not going to happen right now- we have too many interior projects on the go, I have to let it go for now. We will, however, be expanding the trim on the front door, just not the windows.

To add some interest and give a similar look in a much faster/cheaper way, I plan on adding some board and batten shutters to the top middle window and the bottom far left and far right. Will also be limewashing the brick pillars and the flagstone porch (with a light hand, will leave some original stone showing through). I know lots of people probably won’t like either of those plans but to each their own.

The flower bed will be planted with lavender and catsmint, white salvia, some blue/silver toned evergreen shrubs etc. There used to be a flowerbed under the lower left window (hidden by car) so may add that back in? Clearly I’m a fan of the farmhouse look haha.

Which combo would you recommend for the doors and shutters?

Thank you all so much again! Driving myself crazy trying to visuallze.

We’re painting the siding SW Repose grey and trim Alabaster.

Option 1: Garage and shutters Dorian grey and front door a light blue/green
Option 2: Garage and front door Dorian grey and shutters alabaster
Option 3: Garage, front door, shutters all Dorian grey
