We are lost (carpet/ curtains)
5 months ago
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- 5 months ago
- 5 months ago
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Have I lost my mind? Yellow wall too Yellow?
Comments (26)Really, thank you so much. So many great insights, and the best of all is to clean up the room, and live with it for a bit. My mind was stuck in the 'got to make a decision while the tape/plastic is up' track. It never occurred to me that I could remask--don't ask me why. My only excuse is I'm feeling overwhelmed. I recently moved to Germany, I don't speak the language yet, and the simplest tasks are difficult. The paint store is so foreign. There are about 20 pre-mixed colors (which look universally ugly), tons of white, and little bottles of concentrated color--you get to mix your own colors. I'm sure this is a delight to a real artist, but for those of us who flunked kindergarten art class--it's a challenge. Oh the things I've learned here (wish I would have known the primer trick on the first coat....) NHB room gave me hope that a vibrant yellow can work beautifully. I'll put up some pictures and see how I feel. I'll probably experiment to come up with a soft, universal color to eventually paint the whole house. Another amazing thing is their paint is not washable. It's more like a milk paint that washes off when scrubbed. As the owner of 3 dogs, I do wash walls, so they will be repainted one way or another. In the meantime, I'll investigate the possibility of glaze because I HATE edging so much that I was about to paint everything white. I so liked the fabric choices Les came up with, that I'm going to post my sofa and see if someone can work some magic there. You people are fabulous. I appreciate the help and all the honesty. Walkin-- kak dela? and prost from the Fatherland. I went to a gathering last week and met a number of people from the old Eastern Blok--all old enough to speak Russian and lament that the next generation was going to be divided; in the next breath, cursing the Motherland--gotta love those Slavs. I knew whom it was immediately from your greeting. I've spent the last several years helping take care of my father who had Alzheimer's--what a horrendous disease. I had no energy left to even think about any projects. But, it was all good. I have no regrets, I spent precious time with my family, and my father and I grew very close on a new level. I feel fortunate that I could spend that time with them. I have a feeling, I'll probably be asking for a lot of help. I have acquired a new look: a very contemporary house, I mostly brought things that I wouldn't regret losing, and they are more traditional in style. I guess we could call it modern rummage sale: nothing fits, most of it is a cast-off, and it all needs to be done on a budget. (We had the WORST, most expensive move possible--nightmares upon disaster). So, doesn't that seem like a good challenge for the decorating milieu? I'm glad to see you here and I'd love to see some pictures of what you've done to your place....See MoreIdeas for coffee table, tv stand, curtains and carpet. HELP!
Comments (18)http://www.allposters.ca/-sp/Water-Lilies-Nympheas-c-1916-posters_i9473229_.htm I don't think that brown would be the colour that I would choose but if you like it then look into it , looking at your furniture now I can visualize brightness in your home ,bright colours bring freshness , and are cheerful. [houzz=[https://www.houzz.com/products/glossy-black-oval-style-glass-coffee-tables-by-fab-glass-and-mirror-prvw-vr~84539016[(https://www.houzz.com/products/glossy-black-oval-style-glass-coffee-tables-by-fab-glass-and-mirror-prvw-vr~84539016)] <div><a href='https://www.houzz.com/products/bashian-grayson-gray-area-rug-9x12-prvw-vr~37276873' target='_blank'><img src='https://st.hzcdn.com/simgs/d671f09605c26fc1_3-1783/contemporary-area-rugs.jpg' alt='Bashian Grayson Gray Area Rug, 9&#039;x12&#039;' border=0 width='204' height='320' nopin='nopin' ondragstart='return false;' onselectstart='return false;' oncontextmenu='return false;'/></a></div><div style='color:#444;'><small><a style="text-decoration:none;color:#444;" href="https://www.houzz.com/products/area-rugs-prbr0-br~t_13149" target="_blank">Purchase area rugs on Houzz</a></small></div>...See MoreSmall living room.Advice please on wainscotting,paint ,curtain&carpet
Comments (8)I am going to suggest that you step away and take some time to think about what styles and colors you love and what the rest of your home looks like. What you pick has to somehow flow with the rest of the house unless you can afford to renovate the entire home. You don't want things to be completely disjointed, but you can do a lot to modernize and make things better without changing everything. (Kind of like getting a new hair style, but not replacing your whole wardrobe. If you wear mostly neutral, conservative business suits you may not be able to pull off spiked hair with purple highlights, but you can get a bob to replace the 1980s big hair lions cut.) So the first thing to assess is what must stay. The second step is to determine what you and your family need, how you use the space. (Do you lay on the sofa, do you love a recliner, do you all cuddle up on the sofa together or prefer separate seating, how many people sit in the room, how often do you have guests, how many guests at a time, what feels comfortable for you, do you have pets that get on the furniture, kids?). These questions help define both the type of seating and style that will work best for your family. The third step is to decide what colors will bring you joy. Often these are the same colors that look good on us. My sister's and sister in laws and I have very different skin tones/hair color/eye color. Over the years we all tried lots of colors as they became popular, but by now (I am the youngest of 6 and am 60 years old) we have all landed on color palettes that are very similar to the colors we wear. I am a winter and like bolder colors (Deep wine reds, dark smokey purples with Taupe neutrals). My sister who is a fall has decorated with fall colors (greens, golds, deep orange reds with greige neutrals). My sister-in-law with blond hair and blue eyes has cornflower blues with peach and creamy neutrals. Now that you know what direction you want to go you can begin planning and figuring out how to bring these elements together and create a home that fits your lifestyle and makes you happy....See MoreHelp needed on seating , carpet, curtain replacement
Comments (3)First I would try to reposition the furniture (see plan). I don't have any dimensions so just going by your photos but try moving the sofa more centered on the wall and move the tv also further up on the wall. That might leave room for you to place a coat tree for storage at the entrance. Then a larger rug (the one I show is from Ruggable and goes in washer/dryer), accent pillows to coordinate with your gray/yellow colour scheme, A bench under your window with a few accent pillows and would work giving you extra seating plus storage. The one I show is a Kallax from Ikea....See MoreRelated Professionals
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