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Can we talk about WIDE reach-in closets?

5 months ago

New build ... small farmhouse, cottage on an actual farm, modest in scope ... master bedroom will have a 10' wide space for reach-in closet. Closet will serve (retired) husband and wife with small clothing requirements. This is a downsize from our current closet, but that's okay; when we retired, we disposed of quite a few clothes we'd never have worn again ... this is plenty of space for us, provided we use the space efficiently.

I'd like to keep this modest in cost ... goal is to spend less than $1000 for this closet (would love to spend much less). We do not see this as a splurge area and are not expecting Pinterest-worthy.

The problem I keep coming back to is the width of the closet. I don't want a dark, inaccessible hole on the two far ends, but with a 10' space, that's what I'm likely to get if I just plop in large doors. Two 5' closets don't feel right either -- unwieldy somehow.

I saw this Ikea hack with a couple wardrobes put together ... I'm looking to adapt, not adopt, as this is "more" than I'm looking to spend, and (again) I'm not expecting Pinterest-worthy.

What I'm thinking -- and this is where I'd like thoughts and ideas:

- I don't want to use wardrobes; rather, I'm thinking of doing something similar with a plain closet and 4 doors.

- Pretend those glass shelves on the two far ends don't exist. I'm thinking 26" Shelf Closet ... 60" Central Shared Hanging Closet ... Second 26" Shelf Closet.

- Central closet: About 5' shared hanging space ... double doors rather than the three shown ... some long hanging space, some double-rod hanging space.

- Side closets: About 26" each, one for each spouse ... all shelves /folded sweaters, shorts, etc. tucked into baskets, and shoe shelves.

- I wouldn't bring the central closet forward as the pix shows. The four doors'll be flat across the front.

- If cost weren't an issue, I'd like drawers on the lower half of the 26" closets, but that would be a significant cost upgrade.

- I think I do like the mirrors on the central doors. I'm thinking of a full-length mirror on the two central doors ... my thought being that four doors in a row is "too much", whereas if the two middle doors are different in some way, it'll look good. Maybe I'll make the mirrors into mercury glass?

- This area is JUST for clothing. Suitcases will go into the guest closet. Hobby items are accounted for elsewhere in the house.

- What thoughts or suggestions do you have on this project? Thanks in advance.

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