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Raleigh Fall Swap 2024

5 months ago

The 2024 Raleigh Fall Swap will be held Saturday, September 21 at White Deer Park - Pine Shelter in Garner. The shelter is reserved from 1pm til 4pm. Swapping will begin around 2. Everything will be the same as in past swaps. We are limited to 50 participants.

As in the past we have no rules, you are free to haul anything gardening related to the swap and give it away - this includes live plants, seeds and bulbs, cuttings, pottery, tools and equipment. One thing that sets our swap apart from others is that we do not require you to even bring plants in order to participate. We always have way more plants than people. If you feel guilty taking something for nothing you can always bring food for the potluck picnic.

Here is a map showing the town of Garner’s White Deer Park shelters:

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