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Lawn reno timeline advice

5 months ago

We moved in to a new build last October and have been struggling to get the lawn looking good. Our builder clearly went with the lowest bids for final grading and landscaping and after being quoted around $20k to bring in top soil we opted against it.

The soil is a heavy clay mix with a 50/50 KBG, Rye seed mix.

In the fall it came in pretty well except in the back which is the north side. Early spring it started to look good but I fear a rolling in late march and pre-emergent in early April did more damage than good. Once the heat started it really suffered and thinned out with core samples nearly impossible to get deeper than an inch and only showing .5-.75" of root growth. The one area that looks great however is the portion that was built up right off our back patio which is not compacted as the rest of the yard is.

So, my plan which i'm looking for a little guidance on is the timeline of a reno.

I have a solid 2 months of good growing temps coming now and need to get a good amount of work in.

I have two areas I need to raise as they are low and collect water after heavy rain.

I need to aerate, possibly double aerate as well as top dress after and overseed.

Finally, i'd like to top dress the entire yard for the purposes of leveling.

I have a turf management background from a higher end golf course but that was mainly maintaining what was already good turf. I don't have much experience with new lawns and the issues they present.

Morpheus or dchall still around?

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