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Replacement of this old style ming green toilet? Thoughts?

5 months ago
last modified: 4 months ago

Dear all, thanks for reading this thread.

We have an ming green vintage toilet (American Standard brand). which somehow the water no longer can be flushed into the bowl. We called our trustworthy plumber to take a look, and the plumber suggested that we replace it with a new toilet.

Given that we don't have plan to remodel this bathroom in the next few years, and we sort of want to preserve the current classic look of the bathroom (console sink, bathtub, etc.), any recommendation about what brand/model of toilet that we should replace it with to keep it functional/practical and still looks good? I think the plan is to that maybe we will replace with a classic look "white" toilet (as it would be hard to find another modern "ming green" toilet that's 1.28GPF, and later maybe paint the console sink and the bathtub to white color. Any thoughts or comments about this plan? Thanks!

The property is located in San Francisco.

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