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Compare Evelyn to Abraham Darby & sulfate of potash to stop diseases

5 months ago
last modified: 5 months ago

From below link: A “rose sport” is a type of rose which has been mutated by the presence of another plant’s pollen, resulting in new colours or patterns on its blossoms. They’re genetic mutations that change the growth habit of plants. Most climbing roses are sport mutations from their parent species such as Peace Climbing Rose.

What Is A Rose Sport? Explaining The Rose Bush | Garden Yard

Evelyn was bred in 1991 as Apricot Parfait or AUSsaucer. It has been 33 years and mutations (sport) do occur with old roses. Such as Mary Daly (pink) is a sport of Mary Pavie (white), and Lady Ashe (peachy) is a sport of Aloha (pink), and Crimson Glory (climbing) is a sport of short Crimson Glory hybrid tea.

I bought Evelyn as own root in 2012, VERY HEALTHY, never see mildew, rust, blackspots, rose mosaic virus nor proliferation since it's VERY vigorous as own root and gets potassium & calcium deep down below 1 foot. My version #1 Evelyn with open stamens can be pruned short to 1 foot with fast growth and fast repeat, but version #2 (buttonhole) Evelyn is grown as a climber.

There's an old rose book that showed pic. of buttonhole, version #2 Evelyn with the statement that it's prone to blackspots and mildew and should NOT be pruned short due to die back. Another Facebook poster told me the same: die-back in her buttonhole & climber Evelyn when pruned short.

Below is version #1 Evelyn as shown in 2011 David Austin Handbook with open stamens (intense peachy scent), a few blooms can perfume the entire room. Very healthy, and can be pruned short with fast repeat:

Below is my version #1 Evelyn (bought as own root in 2012), very peachy with open stamen like 2011 David Austin handbook picture. Leaves are glossy and healthy, 100 petals versus 70 petals for Abraham Darby (blackspot prone here).

It gets more buttonhole in cold and dry weather, but color turns apricot:

This picture was taken 2024 as 12th-year own root: it's a constant bloomer when pruned down to 1 foot after blooming. Three LONG flushes in my zone 5.

Below is version #2 Evelyn as shown in 2016 David Austin handbook: Note the buttonhole, LESS and IRREGULAR petals, and is grown as a climber.

Here's the link to Grace Rose Farm's Evelyn (version #2 with buttonhole & light pink climber) from their website: Evelyn® – Grace Rose Farm (Rose Bushes)

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