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Seed sowing season 2024/5

5 months ago

I have a seed sowing break after the biennials, so I do no sowing in July and early August...but right now, I have cleared the allotment cold-frame and nursery bed in preparation for the next season of growing from seed. This is the time of year when I can ignore the currently alarming state of existing beds because I have been transported to an imaginary future where all and everything is possible.

I often buy a few end of season seeds which have been hugely discounted, so got in a little order for Icelandic poppies, salvia farinacea, red daucus, orlaya, hollyhocks...but mostly, I did the first Jelitto order (my main seed merchant, along with 'Special Plants' and the Hardy Plant Soc. seed exchange). Would probably bore the pants of everyone if I listed them (although I have been restrained with only 14 packets) but, along with doing the spring bulb orders, I bloody love this time of year when all is still potential and promise before the rude reality of slugs, mildew, drought and thuggish weeds, ruins the glorious vistas in my head.

I know there are still months of flowering still left but I can't be the only gardener to take refuge in those 'gardens of the mind' because planning ahead is such a crucial part of doing horticulture. Is anyone else planning projects, redoing or reinventing parts of their garden? Or just following their annual programme. I am always desperately curious to hear how other gardeners are going about their general gardening life (and reticence is not a word in my vocabulary pertaining to myself) so do tell me of your hopes and plans, however small and humble (but obviously thrilled with the grandiose and challenging). I am all ears (eyes).

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