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What are you doing Monday on Tuesday 8624

Debbi go away. It is still raining and some wind, but nothing like yesterday. I will take a cat 3 hurricane to a tropical storm any day. I took some damage, but I cannot say anything floated away. So, I am ok. I did read a story where someone's orchids did float away.

The hostas are out there loving life. Cooler temps and all the water they can drink. No need to deep soak this week. The rain washed my zinnias out. They have no color left.

A bee stung my finger last Thursday. I ended up at the ER and I am still not 100 %. Be careful out there. This was a chance meeting.

I am kind of tired. It has been a long couple of days. I have lots of repair work a head. The joys of gardening.

It is 76 deg right now.

Becoming quite the lean too.

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