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Is there a difference between older Eden rose plants and newer ones?

5 months ago
last modified: 5 months ago

Hi everyone. I am including three pictures here. Two of my older, former Eden rose bushes and one taken today, of my newer plant. Both old and new grow very well in a hot, dry south west bed right against my cedar sided house. The flowere don't shrivel. The plants tend to retain leaves all throughout winter. No other rose adapts to the heat of this site, and I have tried many.

My question is about flowering and the shape of the Eden flowers. I'm sure the two older bushes were Eden. They eventually developed rose scale so I removed them. A few years later, a new Eden rose was planted in the same place. The older plants flowered once very heavily, with little to no repeat. This new plant is flowering lightly but frequently though it is a young plant. Also the flowers don't seem to be as full as I remember the old ones being. Thoughts?

Old Eden roses, two plants.

Closeup of old Eden roses.

New Eden rose. I'm right, the flowers are nowhere near as full! This was marketed as Eden climbing rose by a reputable nursery. The old and new roses both adapt and grow well in this hot bed. Growth wise they seem the same, or very similar. But flower wise and blooming pattern are completely different. All the roses are own root.

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