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spider mites augh

5 months ago

I've got spider mites (and at least one katydid) in a bunch of my courtyard potted plants. They're eating holes in the flowers and leaves, and I'm pretty sure they're destroying my succulents, too. I've tried neem oil with very limited success. My garden store suggested powdered sulfur, added to water with a little peppermint soap and then sprayed everywhere. I need to wait another week or so until I'm sure all the neem oil is gone; and in the meantime, I have a few questions that I'm hoping someone here can help me with.

1. I'm trying to figure out proportions of powder:water for succulents, ornamentals, and herbs, with zero success. These plants are not specified on the label instructions; and I've emailed Bonide but haven't heard back. Anyone know?

2. Is sulfur safe to use on things you eat? The mites are wreaking havoc in my thyme, and I'm pretty sure they're in my tomatoes, too. :P

I'm in CA, the Bay Area. Thank you for any help!!

Thyme is sad; bougainvillea is sad.

Calibrochoa -- this used to be covered in flowers, and the spider mites (and/or aphids) are taking over. AUGH.

Cyclamen is sad (theme???); princess plant -- IDK what's going on with that diva, but she's all legs.

Decimated curly jade; struggling jade; very droopy leatherpetal -- I probably should thin it but I think the spider mites also got it

Sulfur with supremely-unhelpful-to-me instructions on the inner label

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